What is your favorite game?


Senior Member
May 22, 2007
I am trying to keep some of my extra money to buy a laptop and am wanting some new wii games, yet the money for wii games is small, what games should I consider?
Zelda Twilight Princess Resident Evil 4 Metroid Prime 3 are a must >_> but yeah you can wait a month and get Super Mario Galaxy BWII
Guitar Hero 3(<- a little expensive) or Trauma Center..


you can wait 3 and a half months and get Super Smash Bros Brawl

In November:

- Super Mario Galaxy
- I think SCL is coming out but not sure
- GH3 in October
Resi 4 is a deffo!

but ye wait till november/december u get mario galaxy, resi chronicles, guitar hero 3, mario & sonic olympics just 2 name a few
resident evil 4 wii edition is an amazing game, im sure many emembers can agree with me
get super mario galaxy. its going to my favourite game. i dont care that i havent played it. ive liked every mario game to this date.
Of all the Wii games I played, Super Paper Mario is the best. I know it's from the same people who made WarioWare Smooth Moves, which is the worst game ever created, but Super Paper Mario is awesome!
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I have warioware & Super paper mario already..
And Wii sports, Excite truck, Rayman 1, Mrio Party 8, Tony hawk's Downhill Jam, Elebits (SUCKS), and Wii play, but I got those a while ago!
Thanks for the suggestions!
Since you duped me into believing that you wanted to know everyones favorite game no matter what console I was excited lol.

I'll name it anways...Shadow of The Colossus. Lately I've been really liking Indigo Prophecy though.
Halo 3....:lol: oups wrong forum :aureola:

Ok..on my wii its:


I sold my copy of MP3 that game is so boring...if you want a FPS (FP adventure... sorry) buy a 360 and Bioshock !!!!!

on my 360:


But i Agree with thas if you like platformer get Super mario Galaxy !!!!
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