What r some Wii games that I might enjoy?


WiiChat Member
Jun 18, 2007
Just got a wii, but no games yet. I'm no game addict or critic, the only reason I got a wii is b/c my game room was flooded and I had extra money from the insurance. Now, the money is gone, and money for games will come out of my pocket. I don't wanna waste my cash w/ crap games, so I'll list games that I liked before, and maybe u'all can suggest some wii games for me.

From N64, Playstations and Dreamcast - I loved 007 TWINE (single and multi-play) and GoldenEye (multi-play). Mario Tennis, Quake2, Crazy Taxi, Mario Kart, Die Hard:Tri, Driver and 2xtreme. TWINE is the best game I've every played. I love the weapons, the gadgets and the missions. Quake is probably my next favorite. I have Perfect Dark, Turok, Resident Evil, Mortal Kombat and about 80 more games, but they don't compare to those I listed.

From this info, can NEbody tell me what wii games I might like?
Def get Resident Evil 4 at the price of 30 bucks easily your best bargain. I cant really recommend any more games because I really dont like any of the wii games out now. I play all the old snes and nes and 64 games on the Virtual Console, o and sonic is also a must have.

I play Twilight Princess but thats because ive been playing Zelda from birth great game but i could see how a non fan wouldnt like it.
As said get Resident Evil 4! Also you may want to check out Zelda, loads of videos of it on You Tube. Then theres 2 Mario games to look forward to and another RE game.
check out Godfather, its 20 bucks more than RE4 but its an awesome game with a lot of story and lots of bonus stuff to collect. you like racers, so id rent either excite truck or nfs carbon. that's really all i can recommend for you based on your interests, enjoy;)
Super Paper Mario, Wario Ware:Smooth Moves, Rayman:Raving Rabbids and Sonic and The Secret Rings. Those are some of the best wii titles out right now.
If you enjoy killing people in real life then you may like Manhunt 2, which comes out in a couple of weeks.

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