What's your favorite game?


Mario & Sonic Fan!
Jan 12, 2008
What's your favorite game?

Personally, I am a fan of many games, but out of all the ones I played I think I would like any sonic or mario game.

What about you?
DOA4! Love the fast paced fighting, and I'm not half bad at it either!
Doa4 X-box live is fun!:yesnod:

But once Brawl comes out>_>......
Mine must be Geometry Wars:Galaxies, Cruis'N, World Series of Poker and Donkey Konga 1 or 2, (gamecube with bongos), as I play those the most.

Karate Kid NES

....heh, not.

If I had to choose the best game, then I'd select the one(s) I always came back to, and never got tired of playing. A few come to mind, though many of the readers here have not been around to experience them.

X-Men the arcade game was by far something I always played in it's days. Although it suffered a bit of Engrish with the voice acting, it was always a blast to have Nightcrawler practically clear the screen.


And mentioning Xmen for the arcade, another has to be mentioned, and that is The Simpsons, also for the arcade. Hell, this one even included (not relied on) mini-games which would make the wii proud.

Ofcourse, there were many others, both for the arcade and consoles, but they would be far too many to list. Megaman 1-3 for the nes, almost all the Super Mario games for the NES/SNES, the original Final Fantasy's 1-6, with 4 being a personal favorite, and Chrono Trigger for the SNES. Again, many more, but these are ones that stand out above the rest. I simply can not consider todays games, as I have never once replayed todays games as much as I did with the older ones.
for the wii would probaly be Galaxy Twighlight Princess or Metroid Prime 3 nd like in all probaly galaxy or Guitar hero
lately it's been -- guitar hero 3, tiger woods pga tour 08 & super mario galaxy. those go in constant rotation in my wii.
POKEMON(woot woot)!!!!!!!! I can never get tired of those games or Pikachu for that matter.

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