What do you think ganondorf role will be in TWILIGHT PRINCESS?

ooh, okay, I think there MAY be a connection between Wind WAker and this game...has anybody seen the videos where they show the roundtable? Its on IGN's videos...anyways, the mayor mentions a guy named 'Fado'...sound familiar? thats because he's the Sage of the Wind Temple in the Wind WAker!!!!! OOOOOOO....lol, maybe it's just a common name this season...who knows?
Mrjingles_23 said:
ooh, okay, I think there MAY be a connection between Wind WAker and this game...has anybody seen the videos where they show the roundtable? Its on IGN's videos...anyways, the mayor mentions a guy named 'Fado'...sound familiar? thats because he's the Sage of the Wind Temple in the Wind WAker!!!!! OOOOOOO....lol, maybe it's just a common name this season...who knows?

WOW great way at looking at things you should make a Topic about that!!!!
Anyways I think Ganon will be the main villian....now the guy who said Link and ganon would team up......weird......I dont know if anyone else would come up with that!
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Well maybe zelda will be the one who stops ganon this time. Maybe she is sick and tired of link saving her so she once to be the hero and saves the land of hyrule. She will probably end up dead fighting ganon all by her selr.
heh yeah maybe but what kind of story is that!
Link goes through all this SH*& and Zelda just finnishes Ganon off without Link! Thats Link's purpose to kill the main villian....then again Ganon may not be the main villian....
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trust me ganondorf will be the main boss of this zelda game. I hope it is not a new boss or anything. But then again it could be one of ganondorf followers who wants revenge on link for locking him up.
ooh, I like that idea
...thats spamming, let me add...I think that Ganon, if he is the main enemy, which I agree, will probably be the case, will probably not get help...but still, it would be cool if he did...like I stated in the 'create your own Zelda game' thread, I like the idea of Dark Link, whomever came up with it at first...it may have been you, Zaine...I'm not sure
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myagirl said:
Once again duh!!! Of course ganondorf is in charge he is the main boss stupid.

Well little miss uninformed, Ganondorf's role is not yet known in the Twilight Princess. There is also somebody called the Twilight King. I have an incling that he will rule the twilight realm. Don't be so quick to judge.
well this is whatthe end is gonna be like when you defeat gannondorf all the twlight monsters join on to him making him ganon the twlight demon and he breaks the line between the world and the twlight relem and the world starts to get sucked in to the twlight (explaining the ocean in ww) link defeats ganon but he cant close the hole in the line so zelda tries to seal it but it doesnt work so link goes in to the hole and tells zelda to close it from that side and link will close from the twlight (thats how the hero of time disapears) the end
but we find out that the pregant girl has links baby dud dud duhhhh jk
link is rencarnated in to ww
well as long as gannondorf isnt fat like he was in windwaker that will be good enough for me lol
^ too true. Anyway Twilight Princess and Wind Waker will not be linked. The story goes that the hero did not return and this is why the gods flooded the place and sealed Hyrule away. Link will win, he always does. This is the satisfaction of the game. I think it's possible that the whole twilight thing is not the main story. Let's think, you need to get the master sword, you pull it out of the pedestal, Ganondorf just so happens to get released from the seal of time and then you have two problems on your hands. Maybe you'll go to kill the twilight king and instead you'll see Ganondorf. He now runs the place, you fight but need to bail out and some friends save you. Couple more temples and then ya kill him.
maxkhoward said:
^ too true. Anyway Twilight Princess and Wind Waker will not be linked. The story goes that the hero did not return and this is why the gods flooded the place and sealed Hyrule away. Link will win, he always does. This is the satisfaction of the game. I think it's possible that the whole twilight thing is not the main story. Let's think, you need to get the master sword, you pull it out of the pedestal, Ganondorf just so happens to get released from the seal of time and then you have two problems on your hands. Maybe you'll go to kill the twilight king and instead you'll see Ganondorf. He now runs the place, you fight but need to bail out and some friends save you. Couple more temples and then ya kill him.

Good ideas there, and if youve watched the new interview I posted, they mentioned that TP is more or less the true successive sequel to OoT, which must mean that as you said, Link pulling the Master Sword from the pedestal would somehow free Ganon.

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