Mario strikers charged Character guide/ratings


Nov 25, 2007
This guide was made to help out people who are new to this game and need some help finding the right team, captain and tactics.

The characters will be set out in the following format:
Name: The name of the character.
Special: The character's special item.
Deke: The character's deke used when the D-pad is pressed.
Pros: Helpful aspects of the character.
Cons: Hindering aspects of the character.
Wi-fi rarity: How often they will appear in Wi-fi.
Default colour: The colour the character will play in.
Secondary colour: The colour the character will play in if the opponent is the
default colour
Changes colour against: Who the character will switch to his secondary colours
Tactics: Possibilities of winning the game.
Counters: How to counter said tactics for winning the game.
Rating: My rating for said characters.

Balanced characters are great for beginners; they have average running speed,
average hit distance and, well, everything about them is average.

Name: Mario
Special: Super Mario, Mario will turn huge and trample everyone in his path,
he is invincible to everything but items in this state, it is possible to
tackle him, though.
Deke: A small hop, not very useful.
Pros: No glaring weaknesses
Cons: No glaring strengths
Wi-fi rarity: Common.
Default colour: Red
Secondary colour: None
Changes colour against: No-one
Tactics: You can either crush everyone then go and do a megastrike/skillshot
with a sidekick or you can charge a ball and use his increased shooting
attribute to score a goal. You can shoot repeatedly whenever you're in this
Counters: Get any character, fast ones being best, and tackle him (not body
hit, it has to be a tackle). When doing this, you must aim for the ball. If
successful, you'll run between his legs, tripping Mario up and be able to go
for a shot of your own.
Rating: 7/10, most of the fast characters can take down Mario.

Name: Luigi
Special: Super Luigi, Luigi will turn huge and trample everyone in his path,
he is invincible to everything but items in this state, it is possible to
tackle him, though.
Deke: A small hop, not very useful.
Pros: No glaring weaknesses
Cons: No glaring strengths
Wi-fi rarity: Common-Uncommon
Default colour: Green
Secondary colour: None
Changes colour against: No-one
Tactics: You can either crush everyone then go and do a megastrike/skillshot
with a sidekick or you can charge a ball and use his increased shooting
attribute to score a goal. You can shoot repeatedly whenever you're in this
Counters: Get any character, fast ones being best, and tackle him (not body
hit, it has to be a tackle). When doing this, you must aim for the ball. If
successful, you'll run between his legs, tripping Luigi up and be able to go
for a shot of your own.
Rating: 7/10, most of the fast characters can take down Luigi.

Name: Yoshi
Special: Egg roll, Yoshi will turn into an egg and crush any opponent he
touches. If Yoshi has the ball and he uses egg roll, he will keep the ball in
his possession.
Deke: A small hop, not very useful, but it goes further than the Mario bros.
Pros: His hit has a very long range thanks to that tongue.
Cons: The hit may be long, but it doesn't move his body forward.
Wi-fi rarity: Uncommon
Default colour: Green
Secondary colour: Orange
Changes colour against: Luigi
Tactics: Use the hit at the start of a match to nearly always get the ball
first. Also, when you have the special, try to make sure Yoshi isn't selected,
because if he isn't selected, but doesn't have the ball, he will act like a
chain chomp and crush all the players, allowing an easy skillshot for one of
his sidekicks.
Counters: Watch for the tongue at the start of the match, then counter with
your own hit, if you do fall victim to the tongue, remember that you will get
an item that you can use to your advantage. Also, egg roll can be countered
by running in range of your keeper so Yoshi can't get you. If Yoshi is
wrecking havoc on your team while the sidekick goes for a skillshot, be sure
to keep your cool when you go and take down the sidekick he's using and make
sure it doesn't deke and KO you.
Rating: 9/10, the tongue really helps set up sidekicks for the shot at goal.

These characters are all about the speed, passing and setting up others for
the shot. Shooting with them will rarely result in a goal, but they can
increase the chances of other, more powerful teammates scoring.

Name: Princess Peach
Special: Freeze frame, the characters nearby peach will be frozen momentarily,
but it has a short range and will not last very long.
Deke: Peach will do a small jump, not too useful, more useful on the others.
Pros: Her deke is good enough to use to charge the ball quickly and easily.
Plus, she's quick and has good passing skills.
Cons: Lacks power for play alone, easy to take down, bad special.
Wi-fi rarity: Very rare
Default colour: Pink
Secondary colour: None
Changes colour against: No-one
Tactics: The best way you can use Peach is to pass while goalie hopping, then
score with a sidekick.
Counters: Merely intercept the ball, which really should be too hard. If you
have trouble, just use a body hit on the recieving sidekick.
Rating: 4/10, I've never been able to use her effectively, and whenever I play
a Peach, it's rarely difficult.

Name: Diddy Kong
Special: Red card, Diddy will use a tractor beam to pull players off the pitch
Deke: A jump, you may be able to jump the keeper if you can time it well.
Pros: Quick, one of the best specials in the game, able to deke-charge
Cons: Special may backfire and steal some of your players, Diddy doesn't have
the strength for goals alone.
Wi-fi rarity: Uncommon
Default colour: Orange
Secondary colour: Purple
Changes colour against: Mario, Daisy, Wario, Bowser Jr., Donkey Kong, Bowser,
Tactics: The Red card is crippling to some teams. It can absolutely ruin some
strategies, such as if you suck up all fast characters on a team, that'll
leave you to get a skillshot with Dry bones or another quick player.
Counters: Avoid the tractor beam like the plague, try and knock a few
characters on Diddy's team into the beam to even the odds. Make sure you keep
your key players well clear of Diddy.
Rating: 8/10, Quick, decent deke and special, would be perfect if the special
wouldn't suck up his own team too.

Note: Diddy Kong is unlocked in single player by winning the Crystal cup.

With these guys around, the game becomes suddenly much harder to score in.
They're quick and have excellent tackling ability, but they don't have much
skill to shoot, but the dekes make up for that, they usually involve
warping past the keeper and into the net for an easy goal. I always recommend
one of these of your team.

Name: Waluigi
Special: Wall-uigi, creates vines where he runs which block everyone. He also
runs faster when laying vines.
Deke: Vanish one spot, appear further ahead.
Pros: Quickest character in the game, can survive alone if faced with Thunder
Island and/or Diddy's red card.
Cons: None to speak of, although, unlike Daisy, his special isn't an instant
Wi-fi rarity: Rare
Default colour: Purple
Secondary colour: None
Changes colour against: No-one
Tactics: Can box himself and maybe some sidekicks in with Wall-uigi for a
megastrike or skillshot. It's also possible to dash straight into the goal
with Wall-uigi, hard, but possible.
Counters: Make sure you get in the Wall-uigi box before he shoots It
really isn't that hard to do unless you're against a pro Waluigi player.
Rating: 8/10, decent in nearly every way.

Name: Daisy
Special: Crystal smash, Crystals will appear around Daisy, knocking away any
opponents and allies nearby. Does knock out the keeper, "But why do that when
you can score multiple goals with a Wall-uigi megastrike? I hear you ask.
Because there are many people (including myself on a good day) who can block
any 6-orange megastrike thrown at them.
Deke: Vanish one spot, appear further ahead. Is the only defensive character
that can warp past the keeper with an uncharged ball that doesn't rely on a
small bit of luck.
Pros: Quick, able to defend competently.
Cons: None to speak of.
Wi-fi rarity: Uncommon
Default colour: Orange
Secondary colour: Blue
Changes colour against: Mario, Wario, Bowser Jr., Donkey kong, Bowser, Petey.
Tactics: Crystal smash by the goalie, then kick it in. Simple, no?
Counters: Don't let her near the goalie. Much easier said than done, as you'll
find out if you play online for a while.
Rating: 9/10, Very nice player. I recommend.

These fellows have great ball control and can score very easily, they're
usually slow and can't tackle very well, so they're better off up front while
defensive or playmaker sidekicks set them up. Don't be surprised if you score
with a yellow ball or lower with these fellows.

Name: Wario
Special: Gas mask, Wario will leave behind some nasty green gas, messing up
the controls of whoever steps into it.
Deke: Wario jumps into the air, yells "Butt smash!" and ground pounds whoever
is under him.
Pros: Powerful player up front, which is where the captain will usually be.
Cons: Near useless when the opponent has the ball.Plus, the special is easy to
Wi-fi rarity: Very rare.
Default colour: Yellow
Secondary colour: None
Changes colour against: No-one
Tactics: You may need some practice countering him yourself before using him,
try to get a sidekick into the area where Wario has been and skillshot. It's
not likely to work because it's so easy to counter.
Counters: Wario is countered by simply holding the control stick in the
opposite direction. Use defensive characters for a much easier time. If you
always lose your bearings in a Gas Mask, tap the D-pad and your character will
tackle in Wario's direction, assuming he was already doing that when not in
the gas.
Rating: 5/10, Near useless special, might have been good if he was quicker.

Name: Bowser Jr.
Special: Sonic roar, High pitched screech to knock everyone out the way, handy
in a pinch, but there are better ones out there, Thunder wham is naming one.
Also (thanks to Chaomaster4000 for this bit), the opponents will also shrink
for a few seconds, making them really poor players, which is very, very handy.
Deke: Jumps up, turns over and lands, shell first, on the opponent.
Pros: Handy special and deke.
Cons: Sonic leaves him vulnerable to attacks from other angles if they don't
connect to all attacking enemies.
Wi-fi rarity: Rare
Default colour: Red
Secondary colour: Yellow
Changes colour against: Mario, Bowser.
Tactics: As with Diddy's, try to take out the key players on the opponents
team while harming as few of yours as possible.
Counters: Space your characters outwards, mark his players so that if he roars
you, they'll hit his players too.
Rating: 8/10, Good offensive character, but Hammer bro is much better. But if
you want an offensive captian, look no further.

Note: Bowser Jr. is unlocked in single player by winning the Fire cup.

These guys play very similar players to offensive, but sacrifice passing skill
for tackle skills. They still run at a snails pace, but they have good dekes
so they will usually survive alone should the rest of the team be put out of

Name: Bowser
Special: Fire storm, Bowser breaths fire, opponents will run around panicking,
if the Kritter is hit, he cannot pick up the ball for a while, but he can
still defend.
Deke: Recoils into his shell, knocking away any enemies.
Pros: Ultra powerful, great for finishing off a charged ball.
Cons: Short range on his special, it also runs out very quickly.
Wi-fi rarity: Rare.
Default colour: Red
Secondary colour: Yellow
Changes colour against: Mario.
Tactics: Burn the Kritter, then get a fast character to dash right past him.
Counters: Keep a Dry bones at the side for keeping anyone from doing this
Rating: 8/10, Good player, tricky to use, but good.

Name: Donkey Kong
Special: Thunder wham, punch the ground, and clear the area, knocks nearly
everyone around him into the fence. Very handy.
Deke: Pounds his chest, anyone touches, the get knocked away.
Pros: Godly special, near unstoppable when he has the ball
Cons: None in particular.
Wi-fi rarity: Common.
Default colour: Yellow
Secondary colour: Purple
Changes colour against: Wario.
Tactics: Chip the Ball to the keeper and Thunder wham and it should knock the
ball backwards into the goal.
Counters: Keep a Boo or Bones at the back, and try to intercept the ball back
out of the goal before it gos in.
Rating: 9/10, Very good player.

Name: Petey Piranha
Special: Mud sling, Petey will spit gunk which will slow down anyone caught in
it. It also slows shells, but the one thing it doesn't slow is petey, it's
very nifty.
Deke: Bangs his head forward and back, knocks away anyone hit by it.
Pros: Similar to Bowser, strong, godly power. Better special than Bowser,
Cons: The special will screw your game plan up if used incorrectly.
Wi-fi rarity: Very rarely.
Default colour: Red
Secondary colour: Yellow
Changes colour against: Mario, Bowser Jr., Bowser.
Tactics: Try to use his special to make time and space to charge the ball,
then shoot.
Counters: Dodge the special if you can, if you get hit, then use whatever
items you have in hopes of stopping him from charging and shooting.
Rating: 8/10, Another very good player.

Note: Petey Piranha is unlocked in single player by winning the Striker cup.
4. Sidekicks
The sidekicks are less powerful then the captain, instead of a megastrike,
they each have a unique skillshot, they also can't get special items, but
other than this, there are no differences.

The sidekicks will be set out in a similar format to the captains:
Name: The name of the character.
Skillshot: The character's skillshot.
Deke: The character's deke used when the D-pad is pressed.
Pros: Helpful aspects of the character.
Cons: Hindering aspects of the character.
Wi-fi rarity: How often they will appear in Wi-fi.
Tactics: Possibilities of winning the game.
Counters: How to counter said tactics for winning the game.
Rating: My rating for said characters.

Balanced characters are great for beginners; they have average running speed,
average hit distance and, well, everything about them is average.

Name: Koopa Troopa
Skillshot: Shell smash, Koopa kicks a big, metal shell which stuns the keeper
and anyone in it's path, making for an easy goal.
Deke: Recoils to his shell and does a small dash forward.
Pros: Very handy Skillshot.
Cons: Bad deke
Wi-fi rarity: Very rare
Tactics: Go for a skillshot and keep a speedy character near you to kick the
ball after.
Counters: Use a Playmaker or defense to take him down. The ball won't always
fall at Koopa's feet after a skillshot, so make a dash for it if it doesn't.
Rating: 9/10, not so good deke ruins a near perfect character.

Name: Shy guy
Skillshot: Bullet blast, Shy guy rides a bullet bill in which will stun anyone
in the blast when it hits the keeper and everyone around except the shy guy,
who can easily score if he hasn't touched the electric fence which happens
Deke: Very small dash forward.
Pros: None in particular
Cons: Bad deke and skillshot.
Wi-fi rarity: Very rare.
Tactics: Keep a bones or boo out of range and shoot before the opponent can
do anything about it.
Counters: Same, but with intercepting instead of shooting
Rating: 5/10, very plain, bad deke and skillshot.

These characters are all about the speed, passing and setting up others for
the shot. Shooting with them will rarely result in a goal, but they can
increase the chances of other, more powerful teammates scoring.

Name: Toad
Skillshot: Fire meteor, the ball catches fire; the goalie can't hold the ball
for a while, but can still defend the goal easily.
Deke: Toad jumps, can jump the keeper
Pros: Very fast, not seen as a scoring character, so people will overlook his
Cons: Can't score without the deke. More of a beginner character, more
professional players should go to boo.
Wi-fi rarity: Uncommon
Tactics: Jumping the keeper is a top tactic.
Counters: If you see toad making a run for your goal, get behind the goalie
and take him out.
Rating: 7/10, Superb deke, abysmal skillshot.

Name: Boo
Skillshot: Possess, Can move through the keeper and score. But it never seems
to work.
Deke: Vanish here, appear there. Can go through the keeper. After you do the
deke, hammer the B button and hope it goes in, requires practice, but it's a
very nifty move to have.
Pros: Speedy, quite a good playmaker, deke isn't recognised as a threat by the
computer, so they won't do much about it.
Cons: Abysmal skillshot, tough to master.
Wi-fi rarity: Common
Tactics: Instead of attempting to score naturally, or with a skillshot, use
the deke, or just set up power and offensive characters, like normal
Counters: Don't think he isn't a threat,
Rating: 9/10, Boo is more of a professional character, if you're just
starting the game, you should go to toad until you've beaten the Crystal cup
at least.

With these guys around, the game becomes suddenly much harder to score in.
They're quick and have excellent tackling ability, but they don't have much
skill to shoot, but the dekes make up for that, they usually involve
warping past the keeper and into the net for an easy goal. I always recommend
one of these of your team.

Name: Dry bones
Skillshot: Shocker, electric ball, touches a player for instant shock, that
includes the keeper
Deke: Roll, vanish, appear further ahead.
Pros: Great anywhere on the field.
Cons: Lacking scoring ability without the skillshot.
Wi-fi rarity: Common
Tactics: Two possibilities, deke past the keeper, and use the shocker for an
easy goal.
Counters: Don't let dry bones have the ball past the half way line. He's
deadly past there.
Rating: 9/10, absolutely superb, works everywhere on the field.

These fellows have great ball control and can score very easily, they're
usually slow and can't tackle very well, so they're better off up front while
defensive or playmaker sidekicks set them up. Don't be surprised if you score
with a yellow ball with these fellows.

Name: Hammer bro
Skillshot: Hammer throw, the bro leaps into the air, throw hammers, stunning
the keeper, easy goal.
Deke: Jump into the air and throw a giant hammer down, very handy if you're
trying to pull off his skillshot.
Pros: Godlike skillshot and deke.
Cons: None
Wi-fi rarity: Common
Tactics: Constantly using his deke, which will give you a nickname like hammer
spammer, and is frowned upon online, but it works very well in the striker
cup. Try to go to the corner and skillshot for an easy goal.
Counters: Don't fall victim to a hammer spammer, time the tackle well so you
can take him out easily. When he's jumped from a skillshot, the only way to
stop him is to use an item.
Rating: 10/10, essential on all teams,

These guys play very similar players to offensive, but sacrifice passing skill
for tackle skills. They still run at a snails pace, but they have good dekes
so they will usually survive alone should the rest of the team be put out of

Name: Birdo
Skillshot: Extreme egg, Birdo fires an egg which will be an instant goal if
unstopped by a player on the field.
Deke: Birdo does a twirl, knocks away opponents.
Pros: Instant goal, plus a decent deke.
Cons: Slow, hard to pass if overwhelmed and unable to pull off the extreme
Wi-fi rarity: Uncommon
Tactics: Deke anyone close, then Extreme egg.
Counters: If she starts to charge, do whatever it takes to take her down,
items, hits, even get in the way of the egg if necessary.
Rating: 8/10, Handy on any team, but try to give the Mole a chance too.

Name: Monty mole
Skillshot: Digger drill, Dig underground, pop out and headbutt the keeper,
the shoot. Nearly always a goal if you're at the correct distance.
Deke: Dig under, pop out again, damage players who try and tackle you.
Pros: Strong, bone crunching tackler, able to score with an uncharged ball.
Cons: Hard for beginners, very large.
Wi-fi rarity: Rare
Tactics: Get the skillshot done, the deke can be used to defend yourself from
shells if you time it right.
Counters: Don't let him charge, keep close at all times.
Rating: 8/10, he's okay,

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A bit spammy, but it might help someone. There are many good faqs on gamefaqs, but I think the author might appreciate a shoutout.

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