What Did You Do In School Today?

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The Seagulls Cry.
Feb 6, 2007
Left is right.
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I'm sure that this is one of the lost topics.

Soo....what did you do in school or college or work today?

Me, I went on a field trip to the San Francisco Museum of...something. Pretty cool. The way there was 2 hours. I just listened to my MP3 and looked out the window. I sat next to a girl who freaked out when we went over high bridges. One of the times, she needed something to grip, and my hand was the thing chosen. It hurt. ;_;

We finally get there, and get organized. The first place the group I was in went to was the Aquarium. Pretty cool fish/turtles. I saw, for the first time, and Alligator Gar. It was odd. Then we went to the planetarium. It freaked me out. It was one of those where you sit in movie theater-like chairs and look up at the big-ass screen. We traveled through space. Made me dizzy.

Then we ate. I had a Quesadilla and a Coke rip-off, which I could barely afford. It costed me $11:02. I had 10. Luckily, my friend gave me a buck. Then we went to a greenhouse. It was effin' hot. A butterfly landed on my head, too. Then we went downstairs back into the aquarium, where we lost half of our group. Moments later, we found them. Back upstairs, I had to go to the bathroom. When I came out, my group had ditched me. :/

After we grouped up, we left the Museum. Thank you for reading.
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