OMG, Guess What i sold at work Today


The XBOX 360 Guy
Jul 18, 2007
Wii Online Code
I sold my first wii
then my second
then my third,

i sold 3 wiis today,
the rest of the workers together sold a further 9

thats a total of 12, (thats all we had in stock)
then we had to start taking orders for Wii's
and we took ine 23 different orders from the phone and in store.

it was crazy, never have i seen it so busy,

must be people have found out the wii will most likely not be in stock for long so people are stocking up now.

funny thing was we sold
6 DS'
2 Xbox 360's
no PS3's
and 1 PsP

im sorry if this is of no interest to any of you its just om psyched to have sold my first wii.
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i work in woolworths a uk store

that sells many many things
Ahhh good 'ol woolies =]

I might a get a job there during the winter stacking shelves at night, my mother did it a few years a go and she said it was crazy, she'd stack an empty shelf with some new toys in the night and the next night she'd go back and the shelf would be empty.. and the one she worked in is just in my little town, not even a big city.
Congrats on the sale. when i turn 18, i might consider working at the NintendoWorld Store in NYC. They get in about 190 averaged a day and almost always sell out :yikes:
dude I was gonna try and guess !
why say guess then tell us ?
thats not a very good guessing game is it?

im going home
Woolies are freaking overpriced, you would be mentally insane if you even thought about buying a PS3 there.
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woolies is a bit over priced i admit,

there ps3's are stille £425

but im happy because on a PS3 i get £120 off so its only £305 for me

as for wii i get £54 off

games i get around 5-15 £ off

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