So when did you start gaming?

I'm glad you do Blondie, I do too! specially Zelda which is really awesome, and also Wario should get it by the way
Yeah, Twilight Princess is awesome. I love it! My sister just got Rayman, so I have yet to play that. But maybe I will rent Warioware. I've heard it's fun from lots of people.
Jams said:
OMG thats a long way back now :)

i started with this

and moved on to the Atari :)

we are talking way back to the 70's

enjoy the pics all you 30+ :) memories eh............... :p

The wood-effect
Its whats missing from consoles
[Darkp gose nerdy]
Interesting/dull fact there are 3 atari 2600s/vcs (theres one that is made in the us and is worth loads)
The one pictured above has two models the four switch (pic in the pic) And the Heavy sixer (as its called due to he weight) that has six switches
and the common 2600 model that was released in the late 80s
[/DarkP gose nerdy]
lol me too, and a SEGA master system
Started back in the mid-80's playing my dads computer. I'm not sure what games I even played, but knowing my dad, it was probably the command line controlled Leisure Suit Larry.

My first console was a 2600, NES had just come out so my aunt gave me her atari and a cardboard box full of atari games, it seemed like every available game was in there, oh how I wish I still had that box.
i started when i was like 4..... i loved to play ssb for nintendo 64 and kirby for nes, and banjo kazooie...... my older brother's friends played games that you would think are kiddie today. pocket tanks was awesome.