What anime are you watching at the moment?

Session two
Finally! But why is this episode being broadcast in the middle of a re-run of season 1?
Apparently, the new season is to be broadcast in chronological order, intermixed with season 1 (i.e. this latest episode would be set midway through season 1), so don't expect a new episode every week.
Currently wathcing Naruto (unfortunatly) Bleach and Full Metal Alchemist: Brotherhood. I also watched Avatar: The Last Airbender, i know its only a kids anime, but its very funny and has a far better plot and story than say the like of Bleach and Naruto.
This weeks Hajime no ippo (20)
What a way to build up a match.
This is supposed to be a really good one (again?)
Ippos one was a good (short) one as well. They really know how to make it look like the punchies hurt


To bad its not officially subbed
Its not in parts?
I also watched Avatar: The Last Airbender, i know its only a kids anime,
but its very funny and has a far better plot and story than say the like of Bleach and Naruto.
Most anime have a better storyline than them.
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I actually started watching Valkyria again. It makes me happy. Also Ep. 5 pokes good fun at the "Alicia RUSH" tactic. I lol'd at the Goat Droppings part. Like in the game.

Why is Alicia so Tsundere in the anime though... In the game she was fairly kind and well-manered even mature in some cases, but I didn't find her bland. I found her refreshing in the game. Her attitude towards Welkin in the anime was also kind of off-putting. IT'S COMPLETELY UNWARRANTED!!!

Faldio is downright hilarious though. Isara is still the same really. Same goes for everyone else.
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Im watching one piece now. Im on episode 150. Its acutaly a lot better that i ever expected. Mainly because i watched the dub on tv. Oh god that makes me shiver, what a massacre. Serisoly i can not understand why they cut so much. Like why did they get rid of little garden. That was just plain funny. Oh and the way they changed some of the fights to make them kid friendly was just stupid.

But yer i am enjoying it a lot.
Watched the third Higurashi Rei OVA recently. Things are starting to get interesting...

If you don't like it you don't have to watch it.

I know but iv wathced every ep up to now so cant leave it now. I just dont like the fact they prolong everything.
I know but iv wathced every ep up to now so cant leave it now.
Ah, I kinda know that feeling. I've watched Heroes throughout the last two seasons even though I thought they were terrible, but the latest season finale was so horrible that it convinced me to drop the series.

I just dont like the fact they prolong everything.
This is why I don't watch shounen.

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