What anime are you watching at the moment?


New manga from the bloke that made Lain
I was wondering what happened to him. He doesn't seem to have done anything since Texhnolyze (which was about 6 years ago).
i've started to watch that ghost-07 but im going to stop its not very good
Finally watched the original Appleseed OVA from the 80's, and it was enjoying to say the least. Now I'm all out of animes to watch at the moment, so does anyone have any recommendations?
iam watching that show with that person in it and that other person....wait no thats not right.. //_<
Finished watching DeathNote last night. Loved it.
Still considering what to watch, maybe ghost in a shell.
Them Haruhi short animes
(It took about 12 hours to down load the first 70 episodes)
Finished watching DeathNote last night. Loved it.
Still considering what to watch, maybe ghost in a shell.
Yeah GITS- SAC is worth a watch
It is also a example of a dub done right
Yeah iv decided not to watch it on my computer. Its a high def anime and it looks disgusting on my current pc. I just watched the 1st ep of Black Cat and it looks alright, so ill watch that now.
Yeah iv decided not to watch it on my computer. Its a high def anime and it looks disgusting on my current pc. I just watched the 1st ep of Black Cat and it looks alright, so ill watch that now.
No its not
Its normal def

What, you people can't recommend anything?

****, forget it. I'll watch some Sailor Moon then.
Anime list please
I remember Lain, but I was never able to get myself started on watching it. I'll watch it though, thanks.

As for what I like, it's any genre really.. as long as it's not heavily on the Hentai side.
How about Hajime no ippo?
Unlike most animes like it (ie ones with loads of fighting in) its hard to find a none troll that hates it
Kanon was good

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