What anime are you watching at the moment?

Most DVD players have pretty simple region hacks which are easy to find on the internet if you type in the model number. I got a few bargain anime DVDs from the States thanks to doing that.
Or I could use one of my media players
Still tho
Odds on its shte
Madbull 34 looks good to bad its parts 3 and 4
I have seen 1 and 2 on sale online tho I might get them when I have some spare cash (there cheap)

Looks like my video recorders gonna get plugged in and dusted off (but not in that order)
(the same store had every episode of every Star trek for £20)
(was tempted)
Okay guys i need your oppinon. I have started watching one piece again. Im on episode 55 and im wondering. Is it worth watching all the way up to episode 400 and more. I need you oppinon if the story is compelling enough to watch all of it.
Tell me you oppions.
Okay guys i need your oppinon. I have started watching one piece again. Im on episode 55 and im wondering. Is it worth watching all the way up to episode 400 and more. I need you oppinon if the story is compelling enough to watch all of it.
Tell me you oppions.
I marathoned most of the episodes (about 200odd)and they seem to be able to draw you in and have that "One more" thing

The "thriller bark" story arc is quite good

Its better than Naruto and Bleach for keeping to its story
Oh thats good because at the moment im just watching bleach and nartuo because i feel i have to after watching so many. I don't mind one piece im just not sure if it can hold my attenion
Oh thats good because at the moment im just watching bleach and nartuo because i feel i have to after watching so many. I don't mind one piece im just not sure if it can hold my attenion
Trust me
There are some really good bits

Like in a recent story arc where Luffy is SUPER IMPRESSED by something (lol shiny) and there new crew mate that has some really silly puns
And least we forget a death among the crew
Watching Monster. Johann is a very good cross-dresser. Why am I thinking about THAT of all things...

I like it. Very good premise.
It is very good. It's also a refreshing aversion from all of those Mecha shows and such.
I'm also watching and reading Black Lagoon.
Perhaps diversion is a better word...

Anyways I'm not that far. I saw crossdressing Johann in the manga, but I'm only at around ep 4.
Session two

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