well goodbye wii

I bought a 360 a lil while ago, halo 3/oblivion/assasins creed.
All it does now if play DVD's, the games are so short halo3 get boring rather fast, im not saying the 360 is bad, its awesome.
I think the games just dont appeal to me, theres too many of the same genre, oh and if banjo kazooie 3 is a flop im going to hit microsoft.
oh sh** big daddy brigipson is getting on this thread. dude first of all i dont give a fu** about what this guy does with his wii. If he's so tired of it sell it how much you want to bet that in a couple of days to a week your wii will be gone then when all that badass games come out, all the wii's are going to be sold out again lol then what are you going to do play 360 lol for what? what good games does the 360 have mass effect, uhhhh assasins creed, uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh halo 3 uhhhhhhmmmmmuhhhhhhhhhhhhh eternal sonata lol that about all the games i seen on the 360 that really show some promise to me lol. oh yeah and lets not forget about the red ring of death dude im sidin with atomic on this one i would wait a while before making a big decisions about the games coming out for the wii because i almost 100 percent sure that nintendo are really making the right decisions for them and for us .Just wait the best games are coming out dude but go ahead get a 360 but if your just switching over for the games and graphics thats the dumbest thing i ever heard cause 360 had a year jump on ps3 and wii and they still havent learned they got **** for games lol.

I mean come on think about it, i named like 3 games off the top of my head that i would get a 360. Then what would i do well basically after that i would just trade my 360 back in before i got the red ring of death. So the choice is yours but i think your still mualing it over because if you werent why would you get on wii chat a post a forum for us to talk about unless you were unsure of the decision you were making, i think in time you will come back to the wii if you do get a 360. So dont feel silly when we say i told you so when the better games come out fyi tales of symphonia 2 is coming out for the wii as well in 08 to so go ahead go get the 360 and i say sell your wii your not going to use it let someone else.

sorry guy i think atomic is right on this one i got to side with my wii guys
wow people are turning into dumd shits now all i see now is "selling my wii and **** and theres so many great games to come and they say i hope my xbox 360 will be fun or ps3 and **** mine are ****ing retared i ****ing hate 360 and ps3 **** we dont care if you are selling your wii we just think your ****ing retarted pices of **** so stop posting **** like that and **** off:mad5:
...and hello gaming PC. Getting one for the holidays! :D Had to give up on a 360. I thought a new WORKING PC would be better than a digicamera or videocam too. GeForce is a good gfx card right... Vista is good for gaming too right...
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I see nothing wrong with owning both consoles. And yes, I agree with Atomic on this one also.

I think the OP got so much hostility cuz of the way he worded his thread topic. But on the other hand, many people was just encuraging him not to give up on the wii so quickly because better games are just around the corner, all he needs to be is paitent.
AtomicB said:
But looking at everything you've posted, it's as if you joined this site just to bash the Wii.
actually, i have almost 700 posts, none of wich bash the wii, i like the wii, i just dont like the games, i may have stated that the wiis games are below average but mostly, i dont "bash the wii".
the person who started this thread has obiously no taste!!

seem he joined wii chat just to tell this??

what do we care if you are bored of wii??

*he may not even own wii, just trying to tell people "buy an xbox360, because wii is boring", that's the only reason for making such a thread!!
Here's what I want you to do.

Pack up your wii, preferably in the original box, and put that in a larger box surrounded by packing peanuts.

Mail it, Postage due, to me.
Because my mother-in-law really wants one, and since my father-in-law doesn't do his Christmas shopping until a week before Christmas, she ain't gettin one. Again.
wow this has to be like 5th thread in a week that has talkin about wii bashing or the horrible 3rd party support...in all honesty im tired of talkin about it...either u like ur wii or u dont...dont come here to bash it...if u got somethin to say then say it but lets all discuss it in a well manored way...i mean damn i have had SEVERAL deabtes about what i think about the wii and yes ill admit i did say im not a fan favorite of the wii, but u know wat they were all logical debates....so lets just end the bashing and talk as adults...cuz reading this thread like Budo says...
Reading the third page of this thread made me wish I was illiterate...
...agreed there
Bliss. Go to the thread about the wii being in danger of endin up like the game cube. I have replied to you there.
groan moar.......like it or not, wii is the top console right now!!!

Well I have a Wii an a 360. I like them and play them both when I have games on them.

All I see here , in this thread are 12 year old children Who are angry at a "kid",
about that the Wii is TOTALLY Not boring and the 360 has no games and none worth playing...

1. Well thats not so.. You have great and good titles on the Wii and on The 360. You can have much fun with the Wii and 360 together.
If he has a party, some can play the Wii and some 360.

2. Spam or no spam. If spam then ignore this thread or report to admin.
If its just someones opinion then don't be angry about it if you don't like it.
Some people like Sony and some not. If you don't like it - Ignore.

3. Whats your problem about his money, his life , his opinions?
Their his and thats what matters. None of your Business.
If you want to fight and make him use his money as he doesn't want to, then better Go outside and fight with a lady or something.

His post was not Interesting nor Thread making but it was his opinion.
If you don't like it - Don't read it, look at it or breathe at it.

About the Post - You he thinks it Boring, you think it's interesting but they on the other hand think its boring and interesting at the same time - Nothing.

You can't be angry at him for his thoughts and opinion.


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