well goodbye wii

nic7 said:
I'd actually say it was very common. I mean, if you bought a 360 in its first 4 months of existence (Points to self) than you, in all likelyhood got RROD. Now, I think if you bought a 360 today, it would be considered very rare. (For you pokemon buffs, that's a Star card)
*got his this past summer*

It's just that of all the people I know that have gotten 360's (2 of which got them on release day), none of them have had the RROD (including me). I guess basing whether it was common or not off of my personal experience was a pretty poor assumption. My bad.
AtomicB said:
Once again. Why jump off the boat when the dock is so far away?
Have you not seen Fragile, No More Heroes, Monster Hunter 3, Sadness, Animal Crossing Wii, or any of the other games coming out next year? They haven't even begun to announce next years surprises. What about Brawl?

Why encourage the lazy 3rd party developers by buying those party games? Have you even TRIED Zack and Wiki? Have you even heard of it?

What about Medal Of Honor: Heroes 2? Metroid Prime 3? Resident Evil 4? Super Paper Mario? Battalion Wars II? Trauma Center: New Blood?

How about Mario kart Wii, Star Fox Wii, Kirby Wii, you know, the other 1st party games scheduled to come out next year!?


Sorry, but I hate how people complain (much like yourself) and brush off possibilities. Yes, we get it, you want a 360 and the Wii doesn't suit you. But don't complain to us about it.

ty, i kinda wanted to buy a 360 but **** that i love my WII!!!
whats the best party game?
i know they suck and stuff but i always have friends and family over and they can't play cuz i only have 1 player stuff.
Wii-Bhoy said:
I Dont Think You Should Give Up On Your Wii. I Know Its A Long Way Off, But SSBB Is Coming Out Soon. Mario Kart Wii Is Supposed To Be Out In Spring:yesnod: There Are Gd Games Coming Out!


A Little Harsh AtomicB, But Nicely Put!:thumbsup: Shouldnt Be Complainin To Us, Really.

Why do u capitalize all the letters at the begining of a word?

samXcor3 said:
atomic b is one of my favorite posters on this whole site. so what are you gonna do then guy, buy 360, halo, maybe mass effect, one or two others, beat them all, and be back at square one. what the hecks the difference? and why are people so lazy to do a little research on solid games??

Why do you not capitalize any?
samXcor3 said:
atomic b is one of my favorite posters on this whole site. so what are you gonna do then guy, buy 360, halo, maybe mass effect, one or two others, beat them all, and be back at square one. what the hecks the difference? and why are people so lazy to do a little research on solid games??

All those games that you mentioned have enough replay value with there fun online to last until more awesome games come out. Except for a select few.
samXcor3 said:
$50 says haze doesnt stay exclusive.
this is a smaller form of fanboyism, again ill say this forum has a lot of closet fanboys. and i will take that bet, i take money orders btw.
Wiggly said:
wow you guys are sensitive, dont go getting your panties in a twist.

the guy is simply sharing his thoughts and actions. thats what forums are for... if you dont wanna hear about "selling a wii for a 360" then you can simply click the back button and ignore the thread.

JCpackers... its not really pointless, its a great starting point for a comparisson discussion. obviously the maturity level is too low for adult debate/discussion... oh well at least the guy shared his opinion right?

people... cmon... get over it. whats the point of all the negativitiy?

please tell me the part to me was a joke...i really hope it was.

the point of this site is not to have a comparission discussion about the systems. making threads like this is SO POINTLESS. nobody CARES if this kid is going to stop playing the Wii. the only thing this is going to lead to is kids being fanboys...seriously dude. maturity level is too low for adult debate/discussion? stfu. your an idiot. this site isnt meant for a 360-wii comparisson debate. if you wanna talk about how amazing 360 is put it in the 360 section! no body wants to hear about how you dont like the Wii anymore...
SensesFail said:
this is a smaller form of fanboyism, again ill say this forum has a lot of closet fanboys. and i will take that bet, i take money orders btw.
Is everything and everyone who enjoys the Wii a fan-boy to you? My point is, the original poster never asked a question, brought up a topic of debate, or anything.

All he did was state that he's getting a 360 and using his Wii for guest. That, to me, qualifies as good old home-made %100 spam.

And it's very possible Haze won't stay exclusive. Must I mention Devil May Cry 4?

By the way, since you're getting a 360 anyways, the first game you should get is Bioshock. It's cinematic and breathtaking. Creepy atmosphere and most of all, Retro.
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JCpackers05 said:
please tell me the part to me was a joke...i really hope it was.

the point of this site is not to have a comparission discussion about the systems. making threads like this is SO POINTLESS. nobody CARES if this kid is going to stop playing the Wii. the only thing this is going to lead to is kids being fanboys...seriously dude. maturity level is too low for adult debate/discussion? stfu. your an idiot. this site isnt meant for a 360-wii comparisson debate. if you wanna talk about how amazing 360 is put it in the 360 section! no body wants to hear about how you dont like the Wii anymore...

lol the "stfu. youre an idiot" comment RIGHT after the "maturity level is too low fo radult debate/disccusion?" was priceless. everyone has a big mouth behind a monitor :lol:

This site is here for people who have a common interest (the wii) to discuss whatever they please about it. EVEN if that has to do with comparing it to other systems. Just because you feel this way doesnt mean the entire community does. I have never heard of a www.wii360camparisonchat.com before? So I would guess that this is probably a close second... or third if you wanna call 360chat.com a second :wink:

I think its time for you to wipe your eyes and quit getting your feelings hurt. You have a back button! If you don't like the thread then simply click it. Don't go into a thread to specifically ***** about it, whats the point of THAT?

As for "kids being fanboys" I would take a second look at your posts if I were you... seem to get pretty defensive about this stuff.

Anyway, im done responding to your posts in this thread so go ahead and get ur retaliation out and be done with it already :ciappa:
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Wiggly said:
lol the "stfu. youre an idiot" comment RIGHT after the "maturity level is too low fo radult debate/disccusion?" was priceless. everyone has a big mouth behind a monitor :lol:

i have to agree with you there lol. i was going to say something but decided against it, im glad you pointed that one out.

AtomicB said:
Alright, SensesFail.

Not once, ever, have I said that the Wii is better than the 360. Ever. The 360's graphics are amazing, the online is genius.

But for Pete's, John's, Lenny's, and Archibold's sake!

This site is called 'Wii-chat'! Not " Hey everyone, I'm selling my Wii for a 360 because the Wii no longer suits me' chat!


It's as if people are making accounts just so they can tell people that they don't like the Wii! I like the 360! It's a great system! But I own a Wii!

If hating spam threads like these counts as fanboy-ism, then I guess I'm the biggest fanboy around! THESE ARE GAME SYSTEMS.

I know he's not selling it. But it's still a spam thread. A.K.A. A cry for attention on a freaking forum.
lol, ur pretty heated arent you?
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AtomicB said:
But he did not make a comparison. He didn't do anything. All he did was state that he's buying a 360 and his Wii is boring him.

lol, ur good at dodging points, arent you?
no i didnt read the whole thing, im kinda tired, but after looking at it again, u called this a spam thread, and someone earlier made a valid point, forums are ment to share information and feelings. feelings, this kid is feeling like his wii let him down, he wanted to tell people, i dont see anything in the rules against that. and besides, if he did make a spam thread would it really matter? it's not like hes taking away a good topic to replace it with a crappy one? it's just adding another topic, wether it's crap or not, if u dont like it dont come in it. simple as that, isnt it?

edit: oh btw, that part where u said NO ONE WANTS TO KNOW!!!!!!11!!!1, i actually find it very interesting, the number of "my wii is boring me, i want a 360 threads" is increasing on many forums. this proves the wii just might be a fad, but that's off topic, my point is i found it interesting.

edit2: just becasue i feel like being a sarcastic prick, you have indeed spammed this thread many times, so now whos the the wrong one? lol
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AtomicB said:
But he did not make a comparison. He didn't do anything. All he did was state that he's buying a 360 and his Wii is boring him.

meh... it woulda headed in that direction :smilewinkgrin:
Look, it's pointless arguing with you. You're just another stubborn person on the internet.

so now whos the the wrong one? lol

And your maturity obviously overshadows mine by far.
I'd say point out where I've spammed, but that'd be useless.

this proves the wii just might be a fad, but that's off topic

And you're obviously not biased. But a lot of spam on one site really adds up. Just like the amount of lame half-done 3rd party games on the Wii. And you defiantly aren't helping.

Now, you, the OP, or anyone else for that matter obviously doesn't care about what I think. And this thread will be forgotten, and another one exactly like it will pop up tomorrow. But looking at everything you've posted, it's as if you joined this site just to bash the Wii.

OP, sell your Wii. Get a 360. Buy Bioshock, Mass Effect, and Devil may Cry 4, and sign up for xbox360chat.com. Have fun.

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