weight problem...

Brawny said:
Also to all you vegans because of animal cruelty (actually only one I think) do you think hunting is bad too? Would you consider that cruelty? Just asking

I said earlier that I don't have a problem with an animal dying if I can eat. I also believe that in today's society in America we don't NEED to eat meat; in fact, as of now because of all of the obesity problems in America, it would be good for us to just stop eating it all together. I am vegetarian strictly for health reasons, and I've said it before: my body feels wonderful on this diet.

As for hunting, if you are doing it for food, fine, but if it's for sport, that's wrong. Not only is it mean and pointless, but it's a waste. At least make use out of a living thing if you're going to shoot it down.
kissoff182 said:
As for hunting, if you are doing it for food, fine, but if it's for sport, that's wrong. Not only is it mean and pointless, but it's a waste. At least make use out of a living thing if you're going to shoot it down.

So what your saying is that as long as we are hunting anything living, including humans, for food it is okay? But otherwise it is just murder.
csiguy4u said:
So what your saying is that as long as we are hunting anything living, including humans, for food it is okay? But otherwise it is just murder.

Um yeah, sure, if you really want to eat a human. Murder is not okay by law standards, but if you needed to resort cannibalism, which isn't exactly human nature unless it's a desperate time that calls for a desperate measure, then I do think it's appropriate. I don't condone it right now because there's certainly no need for that!
kissoff182 said:
Um yeah, sure, if you really want to eat a human. Murder is not okay by law standards, but if you needed to resort cannibalism, which isn't exactly human nature unless it's a desperate time that calls for a desperate measure, then I do think it's appropriate. I don't condone it right now because there's certainly no need for that!

I was just pointing our your statement didn't define "Hunting Animals", just "Hunting Things". . .but really I was just razzing you; i knew you didn't mean humans, unless the person was trapped on a remote island with nothing to eat (then it's survival of the fitest, lol).
Just exercise daily (once a day just go for a jog for or play a game of street hockey, etc.) and eat everything in moderation (only have 2 slices of pizza, 1 piece of chicken, etc.) and snack of vegetables or fruit (cup of carrot, some strawberry's, a banana).

I wont lie though, I'm a little overweight but not so large that its going to hurt me or keep me from doing stuff (running, playing sports, etc.).
Nuthing works but exercise and eating foods good for u... dont follow low carbs of low fat produts they just shove more **** u dont want into the food after takeing that out dieting is not a solution if anything a bigger problem
Somebody mentioned celery, this is a good idea for a healthy snack, as some studies have shown celery contains "negative calories", meaning your body burns more calories digesting celery than the stick of celery itself even contained.

I'm 6'1" and 160lbs, so I'm nowhere near over weight. I'm not a fitness guru as I've stated before on this board, but I do try to live a healthy lifestyle.

It all starts with little things. Don't drive around the parking lot for 20 minutes waiting for a closer spot to open, if it's a nice day out, park in the very end space. Pass up the elevator and escilator for the stairs. Little things like that not only work, but also help boost your confidence, which you'll see confidence will be a better friend to you during your journey than diet and exercise.

I'm not a doctor, but for obvious reasons I don't encourage dining out 100% on fast food, but read this: http://www.azcentral.com/home/food/articles/0712mcdonalds0712.html. I don't look into that article as a convenient way to lose weight, but as proof that you don't have to completely change your life around to get the results you want. If you're out shopping for a day and get hungry and everybody else wants McDonalds, then eat McDonalds, get a salad (they're delicious!) and a water, it's cheap, it's filling, it's delicious, and it's still McDonalds.

Stay away from processed foods as much as possible (that actually goes for anybody). Try to go with natural/organic foods as much as possible, there are more and more options becomming available in grocery stores for the healthy eater.

My ex did the above to drop from 130 to 115 (when you're 5'1, thats a little bit more noticable) along with walking in the park, our neighborhood, or on a treadmill if weather wasn't agreeing with her plans. She wasn't running or at a gym 6 hours a day, she would walk 2 or 3 times a week, and do aerobics, tae bo, pilates, and exercise dvd's like that a couple days a week as well and she lost the weight in no time.

She also didn't have to change much of what she ate (considering we were already both healthy eaters) but the way she ate it. Starting with breakfast, have a big breakfast, as this provides your body with most of the fuel it'll burn throughout the day, then have a lighter lunch, and then an even ligher dinner. Even when eating the meal itself, if you're going out to eat or making a big dinner at home and for example you order a steak that has a salad for a side. Well most people and places will serve the salad first. Well, you're hungry, so next thing you know you've eaten your entire plate of salad. 10 minutes later here's your steak. Well your hungry enough to take a few bites, but you've paid $15 for it, so better not waste it, and you eat a little more of it. Well if you would've eaten your steak first and can only get through half your salad, or if you can't even finish your steak and are too full to even touch your salad, then more often than not, you're not really going to care that you wasted .68 cents worth of lettuce and 3 crutons.

Speaking of lettuce, stay away from iceburg, it's more of a waste than a benefit, it offers very little nutritional value.

As for soya, as mentioned earlier, can be beneficial, but can be dangerous, just make sure your diet has a lot of diversity.

Something else you might want to consider is entomophagy, the eating of insects. There are 1,462 recorded species of edible insects. 100 grams of cricket contains: 121 calories, 12.9 grams of protein, 5.5 g. of fat, 5.1 g. of carbohydrates, 75.8 mg. calcium, 185.3 mg. of phosphorous, 9.5 mg. of iron, 0.36 mg. of thiamin, 1.09 mg. of riboflavin, and 3.10 mg. of niacin. Compare this with ground beef, which, although it contains more protein (23.5 g.), also has 288.2 calories and a whopping 21.2 grams of fat.

Do a search on entomphagy, if you're considering, or even just curious, and look at some of the facts and recipes, you'll see you can ground up mealworms and use it as flour, so it's not all just catching bugs in your garden and popping them into your mouth alive and keeping the gag away as it's juices and still-twitching body slide down your throat. Some of those recipes sound pretty delicious, I've never tried any of them, but I am curious and would definitely try them without giving it a second thought.
tank said:
AHHHHH HAAAA, Just look at the Olsen twins :rolleyes:

come on now! dont forget nicole richie! shes EVERYONES F*EN rolemodel!!!! :rolleyes:


Kherrek508 said:
Hail, comrade.

Or should I say, Shalom Aleichem.

im a jew and im proud and ill sing it outloud :p

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