weight problem...

evilprofessorzog said:
It's perfectly healthy to be vegan. I've been vegan for a couple of years now and I don't have any health problems. I have friends who have been healthy vegans for a lot longer than that too.
One of the big benefits is that it forces you to actually think about what you are eating and helps you stay away from the bad stuff.

I agree about sticking to natural foods though. It's amazing what they put in food these days.

thats DEFF a plus to being vegan. what i dont like about it is that some vegans have the philosphy of not eating anything with "a face" no fish, no meat, no chicken. i find that unhealthy to live on that sort of a mentality.

but SOME vegans eat fish which i dont understand because some classify it as a meat (i dont)

Where do vegans get there protein from? I'm not really that educated on the vegetable side...
Kiwi said:
Where do vegans get there protein from? I'm not really that educated on the vegetable side...

i want to say tofu. i love tofu esp in my miso soup and once i went to this dim sum resteraunt in flushing (queens NY) and they had this warm (like luke warm) sugar tofu soup which was AMAZING. i like how tofu is very versitile (but i wouldnt make a tofu turkey like on "everybody loves raymond" for thanksgiving LMAO!)
Don't understand the fish thing. As far as I'm concerned, vegans don't eat any animal products. That includes things with faces (like fish), and things without faces (like hamburgers). The fact is that the meat industry causes pain to animals, and I don't want to be responsible for that. The healthy weight loss thing is just an added benefit to a cruelty-free lifestyle.
And there's protein in most vegetables. Where do cows get protein from? Mostly I get it from grains such as wheat and corn, and from pulses, such as beans and lentils.
The_Loose_Cannon said:
i want to say tofu. i love tofu esp in my miso soup and once i went to this dim sum resteraunt in flushing (queens NY) and they had this warm (like luke warm) sugar tofu soup which was AMAZING. i like how tofu is very versitile (but i wouldnt make a tofu turkey like on "everybody loves raymond" for thanksgiving LMAO!)
Sounds pretty good. I'm gonna have to check out this tofu thing sometime.
lolz said:
i read this report that said tofu gives you cancer.
Tofu is a soya product. There are issues with eating too much soya because it prevents some hormones from functioning properly (fermented soya products like Miso, soy sauce and tempeh are OK).
But meat can also cause cancer.
It's important to have diversity in your diet. Eat a lot of different things. That's probably the best way to avoid diet related cancer.
evilprofessorzog said:
Tofu is a soya product. There are issues with eating too much soya because it prevents some hormones from functioning properly (fermented soya products like Miso, soy sauce and tempeh are OK).
But meat can also cause cancer.
It's important to have diversity in your diet. Eat a lot of different things. That's probably the best way to avoid diet related cancer.

EVERYTHING causes cancer now adays. if tofu is whats scaring you lol youve got nothing to worry about :) i wouldnt panic ;)

The fact is that the meat industry causes pain to animals, and I don't want to be responsible for that. The healthy weight loss thing is just an added benefit to a cruelty-free lifestyle.

thats why i wrote about eating kosher meat. i know that the animals "slained" to eat have been done correctly with no injections or inhumaine slaughtering. i also eat cage free eggs as well.
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Exercise, stay away from the bready type foods, drink tons of water and try to eat meats and dairy less. Celery is also good because it clings to the fat in your body and drags it out.
evilprofessorzog said:
Yay! Another vegan on Wiichat! I'm vegan too.

Meat contains lots of horrible fats and nastiness. So by cutting it out of your diet, you can lose a lot of weight. And they tend to be saturated fats which make them even worse.

I'm also a vegan ^.^
About a year or two ago I used to weigh like 220 pounds and now I am down to 160, which is a major difference, so many people asked me how I do it and all I said was watch what you eat and portions is main key. Plus I walked al ot, but it was only on a tredmill, I tried to lift weights and stuff but that just wasn't my thing. Each person has his or her own way of excersising, it all depends on what you feel comfortable with. Another thing is I didn't eat three hours before I went to bed, it is said if you eat before you go to bed, big meals, it turns to fat. I never knew if it was 100% true, but it helped me a lot too. I just would eat my portion controlled meals, and just not eat before I went to bed. Plus if I don't eat and wake up in the morning, I feel more refreshed then I do when I eat before I go to bed. I wish you luck!
funny how most gamer nerds are fat people. roflmao.
Sounds like everyone has the right idea. I'm glad no one mentioned some miracle pills or something... THEY DON'T EXIST... lol. I have never personaly had a weight problem but i do believe exrecise and food is very important to staying healthy and fit. The key is to find some kind of exercise you like (preferably with others). I enjoy Tae Kwon Do and the fact that my parents do it as well gives me a support. When ever i "don't want to go" there is someone there to push me. I also fell in love with cheerleading. This also seemed to work well because to preform stunts the whole group has to go. So on those days you feel lazy u can tell urself "no i can't let them down." The real key is to find what u like tho. even if it is on your own. As for food... not going to lie i love my junk food but you have to take it in moderation. When i want to snack i will try to grab a banana instead of junk. If u really do get a crazing for a chocolate bar or soemthing try walking to go get it. If ur not in the mood to walk "that far" then u can't want it that bad, however if u do want it that bad then u can enjoy the chocolate knowing that you worked off the calories to get it. :)
hey, im 12 and i had a weight issue. by age 9, i was 100 pounds. by age 10, i was 145 pounds. by age 11 i was 160 pounds, starting to think about my future and how i would be treated by people almost like a *fat kid*. one year later i went from 160 to 120. im 12 years old and im only 120 pounds. how i did this is i cut back to half the ammount i was eating. i excircised and ran the avrage mile 4 times a week in 9 minutes. i was amazed with the results and i still continue to cut back and excircise.

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