weight problem...

evilprofessorzog said:
Don't understand the fish thing. As far as I'm concerned, vegans don't eat any animal products. That includes things with faces (like fish), and things without faces (like hamburgers). The fact is that the meat industry causes pain to animals, and I don't want to be responsible for that. The healthy weight loss thing is just an added benefit to a cruelty-free lifestyle.
And there's protein in most vegetables. Where do cows get protein from? Mostly I get it from grains such as wheat and corn, and from pulses, such as beans and lentils.

To tell you the truth, I don't mind if an animal dies so I can eat. I just don't think it's necessary in our country, and I don't like the way animals are treated while they are alive. However, that is not why I am vegetarian/vegan. It's strictly for health reasons. A lot of people who go veggie for animals don't know what they're doing (not you, I'm just saying a good number of them) and they wind up with problems such as protein/vitamin deficiency.

And for those who were wondering, vegetarians get their protein from all sorts of vegetables, but soy is the most abundant for it has nearly all of the amino acids that humans need... there is at least one that I know we don't need which is mostly or only (sources disagree) found in meat, and that is taurine (which is why cats MUST have meat or they will go blind and/or even die, whereas dogs don't need meat to live healthy lives). The interesting thing, however, is that Americans eat so much meat that they could probably eat a low-protein diet for 2 weeks and still be okay.

But my advice to the original poster is going vegan/vegetarian (if you're just going to be a lacto veggie, BE CAREFUL about how much dairy you consume because that will kill your diet). A great part about being vegetarian is that your body feels REALLY healthy.

Also combine the vegetarian thing with a Weight Watchers diet... I've done that too; it does work.

evilprofessorzog said:
But meat can also cause cancer.

Meat alone does not cause cancer. What causes cancer is the preservatives in processed nonorganic meat and grilling/bbqing (because of the carcinogens).
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AW4L said:
funny how most gamer nerds are fat people. roflmao.

That is totally not true, but everyone has their own opinion. I still don't think that was a very nice thing to say tho. Some people have a true problem with their weight.
WiiGirl2006 said:
That is totally not true, but everyone has their own opinion. I still don't think that was a very nice thing to say tho. Some people have a true problem with their weight.

i dont think thats what he ment when he wrote that. granted its a "serious topic" asking advise to lose weight, he was making a joke saying how "most of us are fat" its a sarcastic remark

otherwise, trying to find humor in a serious matter :ciappa:
dont eat anymore junk food, no more soads, start doing cardio exercise. eat 4-5 very very small meals a day.
Notice how everyone who said DIET had excercise in fine print. I will be a science major so I took every biology class in High School. You can excercise and eat the same foods as normal and still lose weight just not as fast.

Also to all you vegans because of animal cruelty (actually only one I think) do you think hunting is bad too? Would you consider that cruelty? Just asking
Brawny said:
Also to all you vegans because of animal cruelty (actually only one I think) do you think hunting is bad too? Would you consider that cruelty? Just asking
Yes, I do think that hunting is bad. I am opposed to any activity where people cause pain to other living beings, especially where they do it for pleasure.
Of course there are a few special cases. If you live in the frozen wastelands in the North of Canada, for example, there's probably no other way of getting food. I don't like that, but I can accept it. But if you live in a temperate or tropical climate, there are plenty of ways of getting food without killing things for it.

But animal cruelty isn't my main reason for being vegan. The meat industry is causing huge amounts of damage to the environment. I could quote a load of fact here, but I don't want to hijack this thread any more than I already have. If you're interested, look at http://www.vegansociety.com/html/environment/
Hunting for food
Im ok with (animals do it)

Hunting for fun
Big no no

Hunting for bargins
Yay cheap stuff
I personally don't know of any hunters that don't eat it. Maybe just me or maybe a misconception among non-hunters.
Brawny said:
I personally don't know of any hunters that don't eat it. Maybe just me or maybe a misconception among non-hunters.

ive gone shooting a few times in upstate NY. hunting truely isnt for me. im more of a professional shooter (IE handguns to targets). i did enjoy it though but i didnt just "kill" for the sake of killing. my neighbor that i went with did taxadermy and sold the meat to his friends (like deer). or if we shot bear and fox, he would skin them (yes graphic i know but thats the way of live sorry its not me its him so NO PETA SPEECHES!)

anyways, like i said ill stick to my handguns and if eventually down the line i gotta kill a human or a rabbid pitbull in the city, ill keep this thread in the back of my mind

ETA- "they're comming right for us!!!"
ok i havn't read any of the previous posts.

But what i advise, is exercise more. No binge eating, no snacks, nothing like that. Have 3 good meals a day, cook your meals your self, no ready made meals, then blend your food afterwards, with your glass of drink (best to be a tall glass of water) and then eat that like soup, it will keep you filled up for longer, so you will eat less.

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