Waste of $$ games to AVOID


WiiChat Member
Apr 12, 2009
Hey guys and gals,

I just got a Wii a couple weeks ago and just found this site today. I was wondering if you guys have had the misfortune of wasting hard earned money on crappy POS games. What games have you tried that I (and anyone else) should avoid like the plague? (And I'm going to apologize in advance if this is a repost...I looked a couple pages in and didn't see a thread about it)
Welcome to WiiChat.

Luckily for me, I haven't come across any games that have been God awful. However, I heard that Wii Music and Alone In The Dark weren't the greatest of games.
Mhmm, unfortunately, I have. Avoid the title "Winter Sports- The Ultimate Challenge". It was a waste of $30. Haha.
hmm cant name a game, but dont buy the NYKO Gun adapter, sucks.
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hmm cant name a game, but dont buy the NYKO Gun adapter, sucks.

Good call. I didn't think about including accessories in the thread title, but thanks! :up: I'll definitely keep that in mind.
This thread ought to be renamed. Most games produced are a waste of money. A thread entitled "Games that aren't a waste of money" would produce a much smaller, comprehensible list.
Mhmm, unfortunately, I have. Avoid the title "Winter Sports- The Ultimate Challenge". It was a waste of $30. Haha.

I think it's a pretty safe bet to avoid sports games for the most part.
I think it's a pretty safe bet to avoid sports games for the most part.

Mm, not really. I wouldn't mind getting NHL game because I loved it on PS2. The thing about Winter Sports is that there is like, 8 different events to choose from, but they are all crappy stuff. Like, all you have to do is bend the remote and twist it. It's not fun at all
I think it's a pretty safe bet to avoid sports games for the most part.

Not necessarily. Madden 09 is fun, and PES 2008, and now PES 2009, are awesome on the Wii.

Also, as bradleyd pointed out, anything by Data Design Interactive, as well as Destineer, is likely pond scum.
Yeah, most sports games I bought were awesome (besides Super Swing Golf). Tiger Woods PGA Tour 09 All Play and Madden NFL 09 All Play were awesome. Still playing Tiger Woods today.
Just pick up the essentials on the Wii and you won't have any problem. The Mario games, MadWorld, and Brawl will do your Wii good!
When I say most, I mean stuff like Deca Sports, or other relatively unknown, sometimes cartoony sports games. I agree with you guys though. The bigger name stuff like Madden, Tiger Woods, and PES will usually be pretty good.
Funny, 'cause the cartoony sports games are the only ones I'm willing to play. I hate that Madden and Tiger Woods junk. And I don't even know what PES is.

Anyway, I haven't technically bought any games yet (my Wii came with a few), but I think We Ski is probably the worst I've played so far. It's really boring. What I played of Twilight Princess (I rented it) wasn't all that great either, but I'm willing to give it the benefit of the doubt.

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