Easy games

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  • #16
I don't have an N64 but that made me remember the VC. Some of those old games were pretty simple. Wii Play might be good too. The game actually only costs $10 since it comes with the remote. Then my dad can play her. He's getting interested in this too. They're having problems finding a Wii right now. Once they get one, now I know a few games they'll like. Thanks guys.
Smurfette said:
They're having problems finding a Wii right now.

they're not the only ones.....

Wii Play and Big Brain Academy are your best bets.
Smurfette said:
My mom has never played video games in her life but she fell in love with bowling on the wii.It's the only game on wii sports that she can play.She's getting a wii soon & I just hope that she can find more games.I bought Chicken Shoot & thought it was a waste of money but she loved it.She even thought it was hard.Are there any other easy games that only use a couple buttons?
your mom is getting a wii but you have one?? something tells me your not a kid :)

lol, but that doesnt matter. well some games you should consider getting is........

wario ware
rayman raving rabbids
wii play
mario party 8
big brain academy

those are jus some i thought of off of my head. there are many more.
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Nope. I'm 27 & my mom's about to turn 65. Seems weird that she's finally getting into games. :)
Smurfette said:
Nope. I'm 27 & my mom's about to turn 65. Seems weird that she's finally getting into games. :)
How unusual (very cool :)).

I suggest ZeLdA4LiFe list. It's a good one. Has she considered buying a DS? She could have a ton of fun with that as well. :)
that "cooking mama cook off" game might be good... i didn't really like it that much, but it was easy. my mom thought it was cool and she's 50 and doesn't play games either.
i know another game............MORTAL KOMBAT ARMAGEDDON!!!!!!!!!

blood, fatalities, subway trains, fangs, guts!!! its awesome!!

LOL. JK. JK. :)

how about................ super monkey ball?? ive never played it, but it looks interesting
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  • #25
My mom & dad got a Wii last weekend.So far, they have Wii Play, Chicken Shoot, & of course Wii Sports.My dad doesn't plan on buying any more games.He thinks they're too expensive unless they have a lot of mini games in them or come with a controller.That's okay, it makes giftgiving a little easier.They love the Wii.They plan on bringing it with them in the camper.Wii Play was definitely for them.They're not too hard & there's a variety.Not to mention they can play together.

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