Virginia Tech Tragedy Thread of Silence

paintba||er said:
Well as far as I can see there is nothing to rub my nose in. I don't see that I said anything wrong except the belching thing which I already apologized for. Yes I do have a personality that most people dislike but I can't change that nor do I want to.

thats what we agree to disagree on ;)

im just telling him to not start fights and call out other members. if youve already been repremanded about it then thats it. you apologized (which i have NO idea what you even wrote before the member above quoted you) so thats that.
The_Loose_Cannon said:
and again, ive noticed this through EVERY page after i wrote "guns dont kill people, people kill people" that all of you are finally using that line.

actually i didnt see you post that when i posted it, but it looks like we were thinking along the same lines on that one. But its true, people tend to blame tools when its the person who wields them that is the problem. And we arnt talking about fully automatic assult rifles or nuclear missiles here, the kid just had two hand guns. Im suprised he got away killing so many people, If the guys just mobbed him it would have been over will less death. If he locks him self in a room with 33 people, and those 33 people see him starting to kill them one by one and reload, they better damn well mob his arse.
Here in the UK we had to make a choice about guns in the same way that the Australians did. We chose to ban them. At the time one of my friends lost about £5000 because the government offered £50 per gun and his were worth over £5k. At the time I thought it was a ridiculous thing to do. At the time I argued that tighter controls were the answer, not a ban.

You know what?

RIGHT NOW I'm glad we banned guns.

I have read 8 pages of arguments between the pro and anti sides of this and I know which category I fall in. I can't begin to imagine what I would feel if my kids had been at school and someone walked in and started shooting. I'm glad that, because of the laws passed in my country, I'm less likely to find out than some.

I don't feel any sadness because I didn't know anyone involved.

Shock? Yes.
Horror? Yes.
Fear? Yes.
Compassion for the victims' friends and families? Yes.
captainff said:
Here in the UK we had to make a choice about guns in the same way that the Australians did. We chose to ban them. At the time one of my friends lost about £5000 because the government offered £50 per gun and his were worth over £5k. At the time I thought it was a ridiculous thing to do. At the time I argued that tighter controls were the answer, not a ban.

You know what?

RIGHT NOW I'm glad we banned guns.

I have read 8 pages of arguments between the pro and anti sides of this and I know which category I fall in. I can't begin to imagine what I would feel if my kids had been at school and someone walked in and started shooting. I'm glad that, because of the laws passed in my country, I'm less likely to find out than some.

I don't feel any sadness because I didn't know anyone involved.

Shock? Yes.
Horror? Yes.
Fear? Yes.
Compassion for the victims' friends and families? Yes.

as we all wish that none of our relatives were there and that this event never happend, why must you focus on ONLY the gun aspect?

they were in the hands of an EDP (emotionally disturbed persons)!!!! he purchased a glock which is what most people LIKE to buy at gun shops when buying a pistol. ONE becuase its easy to maintain and 2 the accuracy on a glock (any model such as the glock 19) is out standing.

the kid looked like EVERY OTHER kid. just another clean cut asian kid who passed ATF records and was able to purchase a firearm. why is that bad??

ATF handles ALL gun transactions in the US. everyone must undergo investigation until they are cleared through their records or if there is a discrepency, they call back as to what it was that caused this hold up or why they were refused.

again im sick and tierd of pointing this aspect out to everyone that is anti gun but you cant hold a bad gun owner accountable for all the GOOD gun owners out there! because a gun goes bang and kills someone doesnt mean that this was something that could of been preventable.

alot of things are illegal here too in the US! this doesnt mean that they shouldnt be done because if that were the case, id be out of a job right now
zeon9881 said:
loose cannon has the answeres to everythiong

she PWN'S this thread

thats why i said that once i start with the pro gun talks, almost everyone starts chiming in basically repeating what im saying which is virtually all facts (if by chance i messed up or missread something, you can always correct me)

im tierd of everyone saying "OMG THEY HAVE A GUN THEY MUST HAVE BAD INTENTIONS!" thats not entirely true whatsoever. i should know!
zeon9881 said:
bite me loose

(please don't shoot me for saying that)

nah youre alright you can joke with me :)

ill cease fire <3 haha
They're having police come in my school tommorrow just incase something happens on 4/20....
En4Neo said:
They're having police come in my school tommorrow just incase something happens on 4/20....

thats common. in my old public school, cops came and did random locker checks. didnt stay at the schools but came down and looked in bathrooms and lockers to see if there was any pot on the premesis.
The_Loose_Cannon said:
thats common. in my old public school, cops came and did random locker checks. didnt stay at the schools but came down and looked in bathrooms and lockers to see if there was any pot on the premesis.

Oh yeah of course 4/20 is the druggy day, I wasn't thinking about that.