Virginia Tech Tragedy Thread of Silence

The_Loose_Cannon said:
i can see that there are too many anti gun KIDS here so no matter how many times i justify that guns arent as bad as they think they are then theres NO point of me presisting to type out my views since well, look at my profession, look at what i own, and look at my avatar. you really think im anti gun? absolutely not.

in any event, its ironic that all you kids SHOOT things in video games and everything else and yet, you hate guns.


I do hope the 'KIDS' reference wasn't at me.

I'm not a kid. I'm way older than you are.

You may be pro-gun, you may be a cop and you may enjoy the false sense of security that gun ownership gives.

I have yet to read one single valid justification for the possession of guns by private individuals that you have made.

Playing a video game is not the same as firing a real gun. You are starting to get into Jack Thompson territory with that comment.

I do not think that all gun owners are evil. If you read my first post on this thread again you will understand that. I am just trying to express the opinion that in the US of A you have so many firearms readily available that this kind of thing will continue to happen over and over again.

'Guns don't kill people, people with guns kill people'

captainff said:
I do hope the 'KIDS' reference wasn't at me.

I'm not a kid. I'm way older than you are.

You may be pro-gun, you may be a cop and you may enjoy the false sense of security that gun ownership gives.

I have yet to read one single valid justification for the possession of guns by private individuals that you have made.

Playing a video game is not the same as firing a real gun. You are starting to get into Jack Thompson territory with that comment.

I do not think that all gun owners are evil. If you read my first post on this thread again you will understand that. I am just trying to express the opinion that in the US of A you have so many firearms readily available that this kind of thing will continue to happen over and over again.

'Guns don't kill people, people with guns kill people'

and people with knives kill people, people with blunt objects kill people, people with cars kill people, people under the influence of drugs kill people, PEOPLE WHO PRACTICE MARTIAL ARTS KILL PEOPLE, need i continue?

i have found the prefect website for you

A knife is designed to cut things like food, a car is designed to transport things between two places, a gun is designed to kill people. Need I continue?

Oh yes, a web page for you to read too. Nearly made me cry. Especially this point
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]The National School Boards Association estimates that more than 135,000 guns are brought into U.S. schools each day. (NSBA, 1993) "[/FONT]
captainff said:
A knife is designed to cut things like food, a car is designed to transport things between two places, a gun is designed to kill people. Need I continue?

Oh yes, a web page for you to read too. Nearly made me cry. Especially this point
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]The National School Boards Association estimates that more than 135,000 guns are brought into U.S. schools each day. (NSBA, 1993) "[/FONT]


yeah im sure. every day???? doubtful EXTREAMLY doubtful.

obviously there is NO point of explaining in the benefits of guns to you since you so strongly against them which proves you are nothing but nieve.

shame. go play duckhunt, please
The_Loose_Cannon said:

yeah im sure. every day???? doubtful EXTREAMLY doubtful.

obviously there is NO point of explaining in the benefits of guns to you since you so strongly against them which proves you are nothing but nieve.

shame. go play duckhunt, please
Grow up. Because there are statistics that don't support your position you decide to reply like that. Very mature.

One day you may have kids of your own. Is this the kind of environment you want for them?

I'm going to say this again v e r y s l o w l y so you can understand it.

I know gun owners.

I used to think the handgun ban imposed in the UK was wrong.

I now think that it was the right thing to do.

I am glad that in the UK we do not have the level and type of gun crimes that are commited in the US.

I strongly believe that there is a direct link between the number of guns owned and the number of people that are hurt / killed by guns. This belief is supported by figures produced by the UN.

I would not wish the kind of loss suffered by the families of those students in Virginia Tech on anyone.

Thats all I have to say. I'm done here now. You are as entrenched in your lust for guns as I am in my fear of the way that they are available in your country, and nothing that I say to you will change that.

a gun is designed to kill people.

Guns don't kill people..people kill people...

Sure I wouldn't mind seeing harder restrictions for people to purchase/own guns but there is no point in banning them.

Also if you ban guns people like Cho will result to different methods of killing etc. Whether they have to use a knife, bomb or any other object/instrument they can get their hands on.
Syntax said:
Guns don't kill people..people kill people...

Sure I wouldn't mind seeing harder restrictions for people to purchase/own guns but there is no point in banning them.

Also if you ban guns people like Cho will result to different methods of killing etc. Whether they have to use a knife, bomb or any other object/instrument they can get their hands on.

no matter how many times you back me up and say that apparently, captain will never get the hint.

but if you dont mind, i must enforce the law now because its time for me to change and get ready to leave for work....

but first!!! i must mature because i dont frown upon guns and im not from the UN. im a US citizen born and raised who loves the 2nd ammendment BIG WHOOPIE!
I don't get why you are arguing about guns needing to be banned. They will never be banned in the US and if they were they would still be easy to get ahold of. It would be no different than drugs, they would be extremely easy to get the only difference is it would be illegal.
"...."( ihave Great sympathy for everyone of the students,teachers and employees, and the victims families. this is a huge tradegy that shouldnt of happened and i HOPE it never happens again.bless every one of them.)
Somewhat related to the shootings..

Today a man took hostage of two people at a NASA space station. Once the S.W.A.T. moved in the gunman had already killed himself and one hostage. The other hostage was left unharmed. The man was said to be in his 50's..

Another sad incident..

Hopefully we have no more copy cats.
no one make a thread for that cause it will only lead 2 more spam and then the person will make the same thread again only to lead to spam again

like jowii did
no one make a thread for that cause it will only lead 2 more spam and then the person will make the same thread again only to lead to spam again

Actually it wouldn't lead to more spam seeing as its a different shooting in a different place. Also even if I was to make a thread on that I don't think anybody would repost it.

Anyways still sad to hear about and I hope he is the only copy cat.

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