Virginia Tech Tragedy Thread of Silence

GOD said:
so i take it you are supporting drugs ?

many lives have been ruined by pot
ask me how i know :smilewinkgrin:

Im stuck how would you know its very confusing my head hurts. lol
zeon9881 said:
your an idoit:wtf:

now im gonna go get some:sleep:

ill come tomm

looks like somone has no sense of humor.:nono: you are a sad strange little man and you havemy pity. farewell.:frown2:
paintba||er said:

I didn't quote you. If I was quoting you then I would have used quotations or the quote feature. I know what quote means. I inferred from your previous statement that you are against drugs. Plus I'm pretty sure that you said in the thread I made about drugs that you were against them but that was a while ago so I may be mistaken. Well lets get back on topic since drugs have absolutely nothing to do with this shooting.

arh yes you did

how can you say drugs are bad?

the magic word here is "say"

1. to utter or pronounce; speak: What did you say? I said “Hello!”
2. to express in words; state; declare; word: Say it clearly and simply. It's hard to know how to say this tactfully.
3. to state as an opinion or judgment: I say her plan is the better one.
4. to be certain, precise, or assured about; determine: It is hard to say what is wrong.
5. to recite or repeat: to say one's prayers.
6. to report or allege; maintain: People say he will resign.
7. to express (a message, viewpoint, etc.), as through a literary or other artistic medium: a writer with something to say.
8. to indicate or show: What does your watch say?
9. to assume as a hypothesis or estimate: Let's say, for the sake of argument, that it's true.

im gonna have to go with GOD on this one :cornut:

if you said he said it then you quoted him :thumbsup:
theres now way around it just lay down and give the man what he deserves :worship:
this topic shoul be closed and the othre one too its just leading to spam

BAM and its gone~ iv been wanting to say that for a long time
did u hear that he lined them all up and shot them one by one. horrific, this guy was seriously messed up.
I heard they interviewed the killer's grandmother and she said he's always been mentally ill, and when he was a kid he would never talk to anyone.

This guy probably wasn't evil, he was insane...
Hmm I own a .22 rifle, .270 rifle, .30-6 rifle, 12 Gauge shotgun, and I would like to own a M1 Garand rifle. I play violent video games on a regular basis. I have not killed anyone and I would not like to. People kill people not video games or guns.

Anyways, we should respect the losses of this tragedy and keep the families and friends of those killed in our prayers and minds.
Capt Elmer said:
Hmm I own a .22 rifle, .270 rifle, .30-6 rifle, 12 Gauge shotgun, and I would like to own a M1 Garand rifle. I play violent video games on a regular basis. I have not killed anyone and I would not like to. People kill people not video games or guns.

Anyways, we should respect the losses of this tragedy and keep the families and friends of those killed in our prayers and minds.

M1 haha good luck getting your hands on one ;) my HK mp5 in full auto was the hardest even with LEO crudentials.

in any event, i can say the same. i play violent games, i arrest people for a living and enforce the law with a gun on me at ALL times (even out of uniform) and ive never actually felt the need to shoot people for the sake of shooting them.

and again, ive noticed this through EVERY page after i wrote "guns dont kill people, people kill people" that all of you are finally using that line.

only takes one to say something and the rest to follow
zachp18 said:
paintballer should ashamed about his sick comment.

dont rub it in

thats just paintballers type of personality. ignore it i learned to deal with it (we agree to disagree but we're on good terms)

in any event, just leave it alone dont make it worse and rub his nose in it
Well as far as I can see there is nothing to rub my nose in. I don't see that I said anything wrong except the belching thing which I already apologized for. Yes I do have a personality that most people dislike but I can't change that nor do I want to.