
The reason we have war games is because we as a human race are attracted to it. Especially men. Men have always been territorial and have always been attracted to death and violence. Video game is quite a few steps above the galdiator games held way back in roman times. Violence has always been around and always will be around. They are so previlant in video games because it alows us as a human race to get out our agression without actually hurting anyone.
Brawny said:
I have many relatives that are in the military. I respect war and the people who fight them (the people not using children with bombs stuck to them as bait anyways) but I don't think that there is anything wrong with modeling a game after historical events. And I think that you can learn from games like these. Call of duty really taught me what canada/other countries not recognized really did in WWII

Call of Duty is okay, but EA is promoting war in its Battlefield games. I only learned that if a tank kills you, come back to life with a rocket launcher:ee5k:
thewiirules123 said:
I know I am going to get bashed for saying this, but whats the big deal with violence. Of course, as much as the next person I always find it fun to play shooter games, and some shooter games are great. But what I dont like are games that reinact wars or things like that. Because people dont fully realise how horrible war is; and it is the kind of thing that shouldn't be treated as a "game" because, it's not. When you play war games and you die there is a game over and you start playing again, in the real thing they don't get to replay. So I just don't think it's morally right to treat war as a thing of entertainment. And please, you have every right to disagree with me but give me an arguement not just a "u suck" post.

You don't like war games because war is horrible? Fair enough. You are a fan of other "shooter games" though? What about Grand Theft Auto. What about the people who really have been mugged, beaten, or killed, for nothing more than their car or wallets? Why is it fair to say war shouldn't be treated like a game but yet it's ok to beat an innocent man to death with a baseball bat over his car so you can run from the police? Seems a bit hypocritical.
fistpittingnork said:
You don't like war games because war is horrible? Fair enough. You are a fan of other "shooter games" though? What about Grand Theft Auto. What about the people who really have been mugged, beaten, or killed, for nothing more than their car or wallets? Why is it fair to say war shouldn't be treated like a game but yet it's ok to beat an innocent man to death with a baseball bat over his car so you can run from the police? Seems a bit hypocritical. I said...I love violence in games like zelda, guild wars, Call of Duty, and fight night...BUT GAMES LIKE GTA ARE CRAZY!

A friend of mines dad was drunk one night and end up killing someone, Then getting beaten himself.:ee5k: and Manhunt 2? way too over the top.
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I am not a "fan" of any shooter games but some I find fun. GTA is really horrible and I discourage anyone from playing it.
In vice city, me and my friends would get those car hauler things that look ramps, find a fast car and jump airplanes at the airport. Who cares about beating up hookers? They should make a free roaming game with sweet stunts to do. That is all I did in midtown madness too.
GTA shouldnt influence people to do violent things. Because most of it is realy unrealistic. I cant just go to my local gun shop and buy a rocket launcher and some armor. Then hop on a jet pack to a high roof and starting blowing S*!t up. Very fun to do on the game though.
The way it, games provide an outlet for people. Its better to have a wild police chase in GTA or take an on an army with your tommy gun in COD then try it in real life.

Violent games for the purpose of being violent are silly, i agree but if its used as a tool to portray the game better and to make it more realistic then why not?

They say that sport is supposed to have stopped wars buy channeling our need for competition elsewhere, then why can games be an extention of that?
I am a Christian and believe in original sin....But where is all this hate coming from? I don't understand why games should be an outlet of aggression. Why is it there? Why not confront the source directly?
Being a Christian and believing in the Original Sin has nothing to do with the violence in video games. I can say that because I share your religion and I am very active in my church and yet I see no problem with the violence in video games. If a select group of parents don't want their kids to play them, for whatever reason, then that's their decision; just don't force your ignorance on me.
Brawny said:
I am a Christian and believe in original sin....But where is all this hate coming from? I don't understand why games should be an outlet of aggression. Why is it there? Why not confront the source directly?

I wouldnt use the word aggression as much as frustration, sometimes after a long day at work you just want to play something that will help you unwind.

i live in the UK and iv seen a real live firearm like twice in my life, there just not common here. so maybe for me guns in games mean something different.

I dont follow the argument that violent games make a violent society per se but agree that age restrictions on games should observed strictly. We had the whole media circus out when that teenager killed his friend after playing Manhunt, but crucial thing for me was that he was well under the 18 certificate the game had. Thats where im afraid i would have to blame the parents...
Gymdawg said:
Being a Christian and believing in the Original Sin has nothing to do with the violence in video games. I can say that because I share your religion and I am very active in my church and yet I see no problem with the violence in video games. If a select group of parents don't want their kids to play them, for whatever reason, then that's their decision; just don't force your ignorance on me.

Sorry, i'm not ignorant though. don't get me wrong, I like my violent games once and a while, but I don't understand the "violent tendencies" that people have. I like to hunt, play halo/whatever and I don't find myself doing that because I have violent tendencies. I just like to do it.

Totally agreed with actually enforcing ESRB/not sure uk labels.

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