
paintba||er said:
Haha you've only seen 2 guns? I have 8 in my room right now, not including BB/pellet and airsoft/paintball guns.

sorry bout the double, in a hurry, maybe you should put them in a safe or at least a case:yikes:. I got 10 or so, ones a sweet over/under double barrel 16 gauge from like the 1700's </exageration>. also 30.06, 7 mag, 2 12's, a 20, .308, 30-30. Hunting is great!! BTW, their in a safe.
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Brawny said:
sorry bout the double, in a hurry, maybe you should put them in a safe or at least a case:yikes:. I got 10 or so, ones a sweet over/under double barrel 16 gauge from like the 1700's </exageration>. also 30.06, 7 mag, 2 12's, a 20, .308, 30-30. Hunting is great!! BTW, their in a safe.

Well their in a gun cabinet. Its not locked or anything but its not like their just sitting on the ground. I got a 16 gauge a 410 a 12 gauge a 17 hmr a 22 a 22/22 magnum revolver a 300 magnum a 22-250 and a 9mm in my room plus all the other guns that are in different areas of my house and in my sheds.
Brawny said:
I am a Christian and believe in original sin....But where is all this hate coming from? I don't understand why games should be an outlet of aggression. Why is it there? Why not confront the source directly?

It is impossible to do so. Like I said, the lust for violence has been around since before the roman times. It is human nature to want to fight and get out aggression/frustration with violence. Killing something gives a man, or even a woman, a temporary god-like feeling. Instead of video games, romans used gladiators and it was real life instead of imaginary. You cannot change the human condition nor prevent it by taking violence out of video games. We will find something else to put violence into and there will always been underground fighting and violence on the streets so you can never take it away altogether.
thats the same thing when you watch a movie and you see people shooting and killing and everything. theres real and then theres make believe.

SOME PEOPLE honest to god do have problems with telling the difference as small of a difference it may be. computers and TV are all fake. they are called "games" for a reason. people like to play them because it isnt like the real world. even those that are "life like" all names and locations are "purely coincidental" its all made up to appear real

children especially have the problem differentiating. if you die in a game, its not like dying in real life. or like a looney toones cartoon youre not gunna fall off a cliff and then come back up to continue catching the road runner are you?

OR ok, lets use something that EVERYONE can understand. the NYPD does NOT have a CSI unit. Crime Scene Investigation does NOT exist it is a fake department. When we arrive at the scene of a crime, we get bystanders asking "HEY YO WHERES CSI AT?!?! ARENT YOU GUNNA CALL EM!!?!" thats what i mean by "make believe and real life"
Brawny said:
Ha ha, must be mormon thing lololol JK. Nice collection of handguns. I only got a .44 magnum revolver

more than likely!

yes that is my off duty smith and wesson of my MANY guns....i think i need to cut down......

NOT!!! ;) lol
FPS:shooting crap out of peeps
MArio:jumping on top of poor helpless beings that end up being impaled and all that left of there corpse is money they were gonna use to keep there familly alive, killing poor helpless turtles.when yo play mario...your killing turtles!TURTLES! you are all sick! lol
whats worse, having E rated games in wich the point of the game is to kill helpless animals as some drunk plummer.
being a good soldier and fighting for your planet/country etc...

you be the judge...just think of those helpless koopas!!!:(
thewiirules123 said:
But the thing is some people don't and they think of war as a fun thing.
I don't think anyone's thinking that, Bush would be having a hell of a lot easier time if that was the case. :p
personaly i find war games fun theres just a certain aspect to them that make them that but if someone were to ask me if the teach violence yes but you must be able to disern the difference in life and game but games like gta are just senseless because the violence isn't justifiable. if the the only way you can sell a game is by adding the “ kill this guy after you smack this ***** up” style game play then dont make it
if life on the streets was ANYTHING like Grand Theft Auto, i think id be out of a job by now

also, some of you here, need to learn proper gun control/maintence and safety....they are not toys.....:mad5:

besides, paintballer, how are you 14 with all these guns????????? they CANT be registered to you...somehow either its your parents or youre easily lying :shifty:
*hopes he doesn't ruin reputation w/ loose cannon*

In my case they are all my dad's and grandpa's. I use them most of the time, so they basically are mine.

Also, please elaborate on your first comment.
paintba||er said:
What does my age have to do with owning guns?

US law and this is nationwide btw prohibits the purchase of firearms under the age of 18 ALSO legally you can not have them registered in your name or in the house unless they belong to your parents

you may under adult supervision attend a range and shoot with them if you obtain a riffle permit if given by for example the boyscouts of america (and you can prove it with documentation)

Brawny *hopes he doesn't ruin reputation w/ loose cannon*

In my case they are all my dad's and grandpa's. I use them most of the time, so they basically are mine.

Also, please elaborate on your first comment.

grand theft auto is all about shooting cops! lol i love the game but if it were like real life (minus the LA riots in the early 90s or the numerous police shootings in NYC) id be out of a job! :yikes:
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The_Loose_Cannon said:
US law and this is nationwide btw prohibits the purchase of firearms under the age of 18 ALSO legally you can not have them registered in your name or in the house unless they belong to your parents

you may under adult supervision attend a range and shoot with them if you obtain a riffle permit if given by for example the boyscouts of america (and you can prove it with documentation)

grand theft auto is all about shooting cops! lol i love the game but if it were like real life (minus the LA riots in the early 90s or the numerous police shootings in NYC) id be out of a job! :yikes:

Were getting a little off topic comparing guns and gun laws here. The debate about GTA and other violent games will never be over, and it is a very good debate. :yesnod: Anyone else have anything to say about violence in games?

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