Joystiq reports today on a keynote speech by Valve head and co-founder Gabe Newell at New York’s Games for Change Festival last week, during which he talked about how impressed Valve is with the Wii U.
“Wii U seems to be a lot more powerful than the previous generation,” Newell told Joystiq. “It sort of fits better into the scalability in terms of graphics performance and CPU performance, so I think it’ll be a lot easier for us to fit it into our scalability model.”
Although Valve, which is probably best known for the Portal and Half-Life franchises and Counter-Strike, has never released a game before on a Nintendo console, it’s looking very likely that it *might finally do so, given the high praise for the Wii U, and these words from Newell: “Now it’s a lot easier to look at Wii U and have it fit within that framework.”
The news just keeps better and better for Nintendo fans!