Wii U graphics 'less powerful than PS3, Xbox 360' - developers

Dont know.

Maybe it would be awesome if they did as the Vita is a failing handheld that needs to be sucsessful
You can't honestly believe that the casual market thing will work twice? I'll tell you why it won't. First, the casual market isn't going to go out to buy a second console, the wii (which already has a HUGE casual base) is likely going to be enough for them for quite a long time. Second, the casual market has shifted towards app games like angry birds, cut the rope, etc....even facebook games.

Don't believe me? just look at nintendo's earnings reports. They lost an insane amount of money because the 3DS was not selling like they were expecting it to. Why? Because a large percentage of the DS fanbase are casual gamers who did not need a new handheld simply because it was "3d", so they felt no need to buy it. That will likely happen with the WiiU and nintendo knows that, that is why they have contracts to bring core games to the system (call of duty, darksiders, Assasin's creed, etc)

I still doubt that this rumor isn't true for the reasons you stated and the reasons I stated; but if it is true, i'm going to facepalm. For crying out loud, atleast the wii was more powerful than ps2, gamecube and xbox.
It started selling well when the price drop happened. (3DS)

Also Monster hunter out on it helped shift it in Japan.

Dont think the Wii U will be successful due to the controller.
A lot people got the Wii as its a active console (was put in a few old folk's homes), The Wii U looks like its a step backwards then a side step to the left a bit.
Another thing is a lot of game compays are lazy, they will just use the screen for a inventory type thing.
It will end up like a bottom screen of a DS
You can't honestly believe that the casual market thing will work twice? I'll tell you why it won't. First, the casual market isn't going to go out to buy a second console, the wii (which already has a HUGE casual base) is likely going to be enough for them for quite a long time. Second, the casual market has shifted towards app games like angry birds, cut the rope, etc....even facebook games.

Why wouldn't I believe it? I don't see why they wouldn't buy a second console. Casual gamers often are middle class families with enough expendable income to justify buying a second console. They can get bored of games too. Maybe it seems to have shifted towards app games because everyone already has their Wii...

Don't believe me? just look at nintendo's earnings reports. They lost an insane amount of money because the 3DS was not selling like they were expecting it to. Why? Because a large percentage of the DS fanbase are casual gamers who did not need a new handheld simply because it was "3d", so they felt no need to buy it. That will likely happen with the WiiU and nintendo knows that, that is why they have contracts to bring core games to the system (call of duty, darksiders, Assasin's creed, etc)

Eh, I believe you, but not so much on your reasoning. I didn't buy a 3DS either, but it was more because of the games. They are pretty much all sequels and ports, and I don't need any of that. I already have OoT for N64, why would I want to spend $X00 to play it on a smaller screen?

I'll tell you one thing though, I'll definitely be getting a 3DS come Pokemon's 6th Gen. I'm sure a lot of others will as well.
Yes, Pokemon is Nintendo's behemoth on the handhelds, It will deffinetly move units. But that brings me to the point that the system would not be selling because of it's gimmick (unless you can convince me that you are exclusively buying it because it will be in 3d and not because it's just simply an awesome series), it will be selling because it's one of their flagship titles. We can't possibly expect that the MILLIONS of DS owners who exclusively play things like brain age, professor layton, sodoku, cooking mama and those other types of games will shift to a new handheld because it's 3D, no way, they are looking for a quick fix in entertainment (which the ds used to provide exclusively), but that is now being provided by smartphones, tablets, facebook, etc.

I really feel that this will be the same situation that the WiiU will face if they put out an extremely weak console that developers will not be willing to develop for. This is why I believe that this article is fake because we wouldn't have companies jumping on board to develop core titles. I don't think nintendo is dumb, I think they realize that they do not own the casual market anymore, the smartphones, tablets and facebook does; I expect the graphical power of the wiiU to exceed all current generation consoles, it's the best way to prosper.
I'll be honest Zapasant, I'm not entirely sure what you're gettin' at...

The graphics are still good, I could care less if Sony/Microsoft have better looking games.


True, but today's gamers cannot comprehend that. So unless Ninty keeps the casual crowd, they will have trouble.

Trouble? Hardly. Ninty's fanbase is varied to say the least, but one trait most of them share is not being graphic whores. They won't be extending their list of buyers by not knocking up the graphical capabilities of the WiiU quite a few notches, but the day Nintendo has trouble selling their consoles is the day mankind discovers how to bend reality to their will.

If this does end up being true, Nintendo are in for a rude awakening; a gimmick can only sell for so long (ask the wiimote).

I didn't realize the Wii sold poorly over the span of six thriving years.
Yes, Pokemon is Nintendo's behemoth on the handhelds, It will deffinetly move units. But that brings me to the point that the system would not be selling because of it's gimmick (unless you can convince me that you are exclusively buying it because it will be in 3d and not because it's just simply an awesome series), it will be selling because it's one of their flagship titles.

You're right, I won't try to convince you of that. That is the sole reason that I will be buying the 3DS. I'm not really the biggest fan of the whole 3D craze that for some reason is going on now (even though 3D film has been around since the 1950s), and quite frankly why everyone else is kind of baffles me. Nevertheless, the fact that it is impressive to a large number of people is not something to be ignored.

We can't possibly expect that the MILLIONS of DS owners who exclusively play things like brain age, professor layton, sodoku, cooking mama and those other types of games will shift to a new handheld because it's 3D, no way, they are looking for a quick fix in entertainment (which the ds used to provide exclusively), but that is now being provided by smartphones, tablets, facebook, etc.

I think you have a point here. I agree with you on this, though I was never arguing for the 3DS in the first place. I think a home console is a different beast than a handheld, and should be treated as such.

I really feel that this will be the same situation that the WiiU will face if they put out an extremely weak console that developers will not be willing to develop for. This is why I believe that this article is fake because we wouldn't have companies jumping on board to develop core titles. I don't think nintendo is dumb, I think they realize that they do not own the casual market anymore, the smartphones, tablets and facebook does; I expect the graphical power of the wiiU to exceed all current generation consoles, it's the best way to prosper.

I agree with you on your first point, but I just still can see Nintendo going after the causal gaming market (and it working) because phones, tablets and Facebook cannot replace everything that a home console has to offer, and middle class families generally have the expendable income to justify buying them.

Trouble? Hardly. Ninty's fanbase is varied to say the least, but one trait most of them share is not being graphic whores. They won't be extending their list of buyers by not knocking up the graphical capabilities of the WiiU quite a few notches, but the day Nintendo has trouble selling their consoles is the day mankind discovers how to bend reality to their will.

I would agree with this if they hadn't seen a bit of trouble in the sixth gen with Gamecube. A lot of people thought that would be the death of Nintendo if I recall correctly.
I'll be honest Zapasant, I'm not entirely sure what you're gettin' at..

That's ok, Missingno does, and we seem to be having a very healthy debate, so it must be making at least some sense :)

I didn't realize the Wii sold poorly over the span of six thriving years.

Nintendo was pretty much printing money with the Wii for the first four and a half years; after that, the sales simply plummeted. Sure, it broke records and made nitendo an seemingly infinite amount of cash, but that is all completely overshadowed by an abysmal year and a half. Unfortunately, wall street could give a rat's ass about how it did in the past; if it isn't producing now, it's not viable for the company. Ofcourse, no one expected it to sell like hot cakes throughout it's entire lifespan, but a drop that massive signifies that the audience just was no longer attracted by the gimmick put forth by the system.

I agree with you on your first point, but I just still can see Nintendo going after the causal gaming market (and it working) because phones, tablets and Facebook cannot replace everything that a home console has to offer, and middle class families generally have the expendable income to justify buying them.

I can agree with many of the points you bring, this one as well, but only to a very specific degree. While these other forms of casual gaming (smartphones, tablets, facebook) do not provide all of the things the WiiU will, the other home consoles will; that is why if the graphical power remains 6-7 years outdated, the WiiU will have a very hard time on the market and it's only selling point will be the tablet controller; frankly, that is not a very appealing selling point either because the tablet controller will likely be very expensive thus making multilayer gaming quite a venture into our wallets. The "ps4" and "xbox 720" will have the graphical horse power and their own bells and whistles (the move....LOL and kinect). I really do hope the WiiU isn't just a slightly beefy nintendo wii, because when it gets measured up to the other consoles, it will look like a joke.

So when it comes to the casual market, they will be fighting ps4, the 720, smarthones, tablets and facebook. These are quite overwhelming odds, which is why I believe if nintendo sticks to a casual exclusive mindset, it will fail; however, it's quite evident that they see this, which is why they have reached out to the main developers and are bringing core games to the system.
Those are merely conjectures. We do not know for certain why some of these things succeed or fail. I can claim the opposite predictions without needing to back it up.
Those are merely conjectures. We do not know for certain why some of these things succeed or fail. I can claim the opposite predictions without needing to back it up.

No one here believes they can predict the future. We are simply putting forth opinions and predictions backed up by evidence. No one here is right, we just like to believe that we are.
However, you claimed that the Wii was successful and a failure due to gimmicks. I shall claim that it was casual appeal that caused it's success. I will back it up by saying that once most of the casual market got ahold of a Wii, sales will logical plummet due to lack of interest from the remainder consumers.
However, you claimed that the Wii was successful and a failure due to gimmicks. I shall claim that it was casual appeal that caused it's success. I will back it up by saying that once most of the casual market got ahold of a Wii, sales will logical plummet due to lack of interest from the remainder consumers.

Sorry, I really do not see how your statement is any different than the ones I have been making.

I never said the wii failed due to motion gaming, In fact, I never even called the wii a failure. It's gimmick was what made it a success, yes, no one is arguing with you there. I said the gimmick lost it's interest with the masses after a few years of it being in the market. It was likely caused by numerous reason; the increased number of smartphones and tablets, and the introduction of the move and kinnect, and the already massive install base of the wii. Also, your point of the logical decrease in sales is also valid (A point I also made btw), but the drop in sales was SO astronomical that it could not simply be caused by a large install base, it also had to be caused by the increase in competition and the loss of interest for the wiimote.

So again, how are your points and opinion different than mine?
People said the Wii was going to be a flop...........

Just tossing that out there like a used kipper