Is The Wii More Than A Successful Fad?

i cant be bothered stating my opionin....

lets all agree that the wii is not a fad.

everone happy now :wink:
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As long as I get my share of FF:CC on the Wii I'm happy : )
I think third party support for the Wii won't be bad. There's a number of game in devolpment for Wii isn't there? Even if it is low as long as it's above GC's we can agree that big N is -at least- improving heheh (optimistic?)>.>;;
And the "unless these issues are adress it's a fad" is a very personal statement. I'm sure even after next gen we will continue to enjoy great games on the Wii. And prolly all next gen controller will have accelerator(sp) in them.. so you could say it'll be a "fad that lives"
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Yes, I'm also talking about that one FF:CC for Wii Ware where you are a king and built towns or something. Looks fun : ) of course the main one is what I'm most interested in.
T3kNi9e said:
I wont argue your numbers and I also wont argue that its true that 360 has been out for longer.

But I will argue that you use Wii Sports in the chart, which is a game that comes with every Wii console. That isnt a very fair measurement seeing as no one has a choice on whether they want that game or not.

Wii Play is another game because most people buy that for the Wii-mote, not the disc. You might as well start tallying up PS3 and 360 controllers if you are gonna tally Wii Play.

LOL you act as if these are not the main reason people are buying this system. After each party is held these are the games that make people want a Wii first and foremost hardcore or not. So really you guys are failing to see these games are not forced on people they actual want these games even if many claimed to get bored with them.

I'm failing to see a HD game that makes people wait inline to buy a system after playing it. What is even worst is lots of people are switching to thinking they want a PS3 now. The funny thing about a fad is they usually are fancy and actually are an obsession in most cases. I would think the HD thing is more in this category. Yet with out the Wii you would not see such a wide acceptance of video games. Nintendo is very good at keeping things going. I mean look at pokemon... the turles, powerrangers, hell even rip offs can not touch it...LOL

Personal tastes is one thing but ignoring the facts is just silly. The xbox 360 is the only system to actually stall in console sales while on the market by it self!
What is funny is nintendo is doing exactly what they have not been able to do since the snes. Which is get people to buy the damn thing. The fact is that people actually have bought this system rather than claiming they want to get one when x or X has gone down etc. Really the fad thing is lame at this point...LOL People bought it and love it. The people who need more have another system also. Why would nintendo need to be like the other systems when they already have some thing that every one wants? This is not the case with the HD systems. You either want a xbox or PS3... yet you may already have a Wii even if you claim it has dust you still bought one...LOL

Ok lets say this is a fad well you do know it takes a bigger fad to break another fad. Also this fad extends back to the nes... Hell we are just waiting on our mario 3 this gen... Wii sports is our super mario bros. That same fad crushed the pc games and it still does.

Hardcore gamers are the most likly to be victims of a fad as they work mostly off advertisement and hype. The casuals are buying the Wii based on first hand play. Example... COD4 replaced halo3 for a while there... nothing has yet replaced the Wii or even threatens to.
Halo 3 is a HD game that people wait in line for to buy the game and the console...

Also I never called Wii a fad, nor do I think it is, so why are you trying to convince me its not?

How is HD a fad? Its the norm now, anything after this generation will be in HD. Don't be suprised when the next Nintendo console is in HD, so obviously HD is NOT a fad... How could you even say that lol...

How do you go from saying Wii is not a fad to calling other consoles and games like Halo 3 and CoD4 fads... Halo 3 and CoD4 are both played evenly and occupy Xbox Live's top 2 gamings consistantly. No one is even calling the Wii a fad, if you read everyone posts, no one thinks its fad.

and whats up with the double post?
I would certainly say that the Wii is more than just a fad. It has established itself as a worthy rival to the PS3 and X360; in fact it has destroyed them both when it comes to actual sales (how much of this is down to pure hype is up for debate).

A good friend of mine is a PS3 owner and is a strict first person shooter kind of guy. He plays Halo, Resistance: Fall of Man and COD4 and that's about it. I decided to bring round my Wii a few days ago to show him what it's all about. Before I even had a chance to show him Mario Galaxy he was hooked on Wii Boxing. He was actually playing with a smile on his face rather than intense concentration. The Wii brings gaming to a whole new level and opens up the door to new experiences.

I hate the term "hardcore gamer" and hate all the fanboy crap that goes on in the gaming circles. The PS3 and X360 may offer astounding realism but the Wii offers what gaming should be all about, and that’s all-round entertainment. The stigma attached to the Wii is a joke. So what if the whole family get's involved with the games? The Wii has already shown it's versatility to be both a solo gamers system (RE4, Zelda, Mario Galaxy) and also a brilliant way of interacting with friends and family (MP8, Mario & Sonic, Wii Sports).

In summary. I believe the Wii has already proven itself to be more than a flash in the pan. It has opened gamer’s eyes to a new way of doing things. The Wii is far from the finished article but I truly believe it will be the benchmark for all future gaming systems.
^ nice post from a non-biast oint of view.

and yes the 360 and ps3 have realisim in a graphical sence but the wii puts you in the game.

and like i said before its not a fad so :crazy:
T3kNi9e said:
Halo 3 is a HD game that people wait in line for to buy the game and the console...

Also I never called Wii a fad, nor do I think it is, so why are you trying to convince me its not?

How is HD a fad? Its the norm now, anything after this generation will be in HD. Don't be suprised when the next Nintendo console is in HD, so obviously HD is NOT a fad... How could you even say that lol...

How do you go from saying Wii is not a fad to calling other consoles and games like Halo 3 and CoD4 fads... Halo 3 and CoD4 are both played evenly and occupy Xbox Live's top 2 gamings consistantly. No one is even calling the Wii a fad, if you read everyone posts, no one thinks its fad.

and whats up with the double post?

It's a fad because your old games no longer attract people to the system. Halo 3 is not attracting more people to the system it is simply serving the halo fans. This is a problem in this console race and even in the last as nintendo had the same problem. The only way to fix this is to have first party games to push the system or either have crazy 3rd support to bring in different gamers.

I call HD a fad because people are no longer waiting in line to get a xbox 360 for halo. In fact halo may fall to COD4 the way things are going... COD4 is fun though. The pretty graphics will not keep people playing those old games. I mean how many times will you play AC or mass effect? If people keep forgetting about the old library of the HD games then really what good is that huge library if no one is even excited about the old games?

To me this is one of the biggest problems with the xbox 360. I wanted to get one once upon a time yet once the games come out there is lots of hype but never do i see people wanting a real sequel or either popping that game in to play over even though they beat it. This does not include the online games because it the game doesn't stand on it own as a off line game I'm less likely to get it on the console.

Another reason why I call HD a fad is because you look at it and get excited then the game comes out and you realize hey it looks good but I'm not really having fun. That how fads die people realize they are not having fun. So far this fad is part of the HD market and hardcore gamers... You see it in the PS3 sales and how games that look like the real deal just are not selling all that good. When your best looking game can not stay in rotation for more than a year then you have a problem there. I say this because lots of time I come on line and every one seems like new comers. I mean when bionic commando was announced I started to wonder how many of these guys had actually played and beat that game. People where more worried about the hot dogs than the game play...LOL game play is what keeps you playing. That is also what keeps people buying your game. Now once it becomes a hey look at this or watch this it becomes more of a tour rather than some thing you want to jump into and play.

Some times it seems the so called pop hardcore are really driven by way of graphics now. I mean really the older hardcore guys know some good game play and even we didn't fall for a polished quake 4 or doom3 or even UT3 yet people new to this stuff have no choice thus lots of people are getting these systems and not really spreading why they love their games. Notice how Hd gamers don't even talk about certain game moments any more. Nothing is memorable. Halo and online play is the closest thing to this HD games have right now. Thats just sad to me because game design really is about the water cooler effect. People want a fun roller coaster not just a pretty one. Now movies can just be pretty. If thats all a game has then it will be forgotten. industry praise is great for a resume but not really for game sales.

I know lots of so called hardcore gamers claim that they don't want to play Wii sports or some other games on the Wii but really the Wii takes me back to the genesis and snes days. You simply put games in and people wanted to hold the controller and play it. Now I watch as people are just cool with looking at it. Thats a clear sing thats it doesn't look fun but it looks good enough to watch. You can put in Wii sports ot res evil and people just love those games depending on what they are into. They want to try it. With out that effect HD gaming is a fad until some one comes along and puts the game play back into it. I mean stuff gamer want to play over and over... Or at least some thing to get new comers to make up their mind or even devote them selves to owning a certain system. A really good set of games can do this... although the xbox and the PS3 have some good games they don't have what I'm talking about.
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I like how you seem to be some kind of all knowing god. Everything you said is speculation and nothing thats fact, just crap that you think.

Halo 3 still sells... if you go to Halo 3 Xbox forums you still see people talk about buying it everyday.

I still play Mass Effect... I don't find my games boring... Hell there's still people playing old Xbox games, this can be seen on Major Nelson's website where he shows the top 10 original Xbox games being played or by just going to websites and see how many people are still talking about old games and playing them...

Your little theory about Bionic Commando is also stupid... You act like Xbox players are all about graphics and no gameplay... If people used that logic than all Xbox games would sell. The average Xbox owner is atleast in his/her 20s so therefore their is a good chance they played the original Bionic Commando. But even if they didn't who cares?

You whole "theory"(because thats what it is) is completely stupid. Thats like me saying Wii is a fad because people play it for 2 hours and it collects dust. That would be my idiotic theory thats untrue.
Juxtaposed said:
I would certainly say that the Wii is more than just a fad. It has established itself as a worthy rival to the PS3 and X360; in fact it has destroyed them both when it comes to actual sales (how much of this is down to pure hype is up for debate).

A good friend of mine is a PS3 owner and is a strict first person shooter kind of guy. He plays Halo, Resistance: Fall of Man and COD4 and that's about it. I decided to bring round my Wii a few days ago to show him what it's all about. Before I even had a chance to show him Mario Galaxy he was hooked on Wii Boxing. He was actually playing with a smile on his face rather than intense concentration. The Wii brings gaming to a whole new level and opens up the door to new experiences.

I hate the term "hardcore gamer" and hate all the fanboy crap that goes on in the gaming circles. The PS3 and X360 may offer astounding realism but the Wii offers what gaming should be all about, and that’s all-round entertainment. The stigma attached to the Wii is a joke. So what if the whole family get's involved with the games? The Wii has already shown it's versatility to be both a solo gamers system (RE4, Zelda, Mario Galaxy) and also a brilliant way of interacting with friends and family (MP8, Mario & Sonic, Wii Sports).

In summary. I believe the Wii has already proven itself to be more than a flash in the pan. It has opened gamer’s eyes to a new way of doing things. The Wii is far from the finished article but I truly believe it will be the benchmark for all future gaming systems.

Nice post there because it illustrates what happens to the so called hardcore gamer. They are feed all this hype and play online all the time. Most of the time getting owned...LOL then you let them play the Wii. They actually have fun but way you ended the story too soon. He will go back to his HD system and just think hey my system only needs a controller like that and that game. Then slowly but surely he will talk him self into why the Wii is lesser because really he wants it to fail so that it ends up on his system. Sorta like sega...

Now that its doing so good they all get pissy because thats not going to happen. So then here comes the online player again to bash the Wii for not being what he loves an online crack dispenser...LOL Online play is addictive yet once the skill level reaches a certain point things get ugly and people leave.

Seriously if you are hooked on a HD online game you want the Wii too loose because it will be the reason less and less people come online in their mind, yet the retard competition of other me too online games will really be the death of your fav online game. I mean really the hardcore gamer acts just like the PC gamer at the beginning of the PS2 life. I remember them all buying one for a dvd player and saying it sucked and then pointing to half life or some thing. Then once the games started rolled every thing got quiet. Maybe they are not the same people yet only younger versions of them yet they operate almost the same.

Truthfully the war will be won in the real hardcore by way of the best game play experience.