
Oh, alright then. Is this thread like our little circle or something? Does everyone else feel shunned? I mean i'm glad just talking to u 2, u'r intelligent and fun to chat w/ and I kind of like it as only us 3.
Yeah, the Itailian_Boy1Up, Mr. Stoukaph and ssbb_lover chatroom...I like the sound of that.
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  • #128
no offence but id rather talk about the topic with everyone. thats pretty much why i made it
Right, hey how about for a change up take peach out and put daisy in. She's a tough woman(unlike peach....).
I mean peach is just like jessica simpson, she just looks pretty but is really just ditsy.(rhyme:cool:) But she's not near as hot...v_v'
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  • #131
they will probably put in daisy since peach is in there. again peach is like pichu where she is cute so the girls have someone to play in SSBM. but then they move to the more powerful samus as a heroine (spelling?)
Well daisy was in it in a way, one of peach's colors was brown/red hair and a yellow dress. But it would be cooler to have her by herself...maybe she could have her "soccer"(stripper!)outfit^_^'
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  • #135
and since theyre putting wario in it, might as well not have yellow for mario either

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