TV/Video game/Movie series that NEED to stop

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what about Foster's home for imaginary people? that was on a little too long (2 hours in a row).

their playin the last 5 episodes and ....CN is screwed
also American Pie-its damn stupid its ust an excuse for lonely adults to see small boobs.Its dumb and perverted.
their playin the last 5 episodes and ....CN is screwed
also American Pie-its damn stupid its ust an excuse for lonely adults to see small boobs.Its dumb and perverted.
Hey! The first 3 were classics!

But the rest that aren't about the original guys are crap.
Pokemon needs to stop (until they're willing to alter the format)

They need to stop with the shows LOST, Scrubs, and 24.

Also they need to stop with ALL World War 2 games, Final Fantasy games. The Simpsons needs to stop too. I really enjoy the Simpsons, even in the form that the show has mutated to. I would just like them to have more time to just make random side projects and movies. Kind of like what happened to Futurama for a while.
They need to stop making Sonic spinoffs like Sonic and Sega All Stars Racing and Sonic and the Black Knight. The Sonic Team should work together to make an awesome game rather than several crappy games.

A list of what needs to stop

Rayman Raving Rabbids!!! Star making proper Rayman games!!!
Fitness games on Wii. They are so inspired and unimaginative. This needs to stop before it gets worse.
Pokemon TV Series- They really need to get rid of Team Rocket.
Mario games on Wii- There's too many!!!! WHERE'S ZELDA!!!!!?
No more Twilight movies please. At least just make them R-Rated Gorn-fests. It's all they deserve to be should they even get the privilege of existence.

I haven't even seen them...but based on the first movie's reaction, I already wish that they would stop. -_-
Starwars and Star Trek need to stop. We already have enough weird geeky people in this planet and we don't need any more .
Harry Potter needs to stop. He was young and it did make sense that it's a boy in some wizard school in the first movies but look at how old and tall he is now. It's weird watching a tallass nerdy teenager. I have only seen the 2nd movie BTW.
CartoonNetwork needs to cut the crap and get back to topic. They put TV shows that are already on but involving kids. Like Survive This (Survivor Man and Man vs Wild) The Othersiders (Ghost Hunters and Ghost Adventures) and some other crap that has nothing to do with Cartoons. They took off Toonami :'( Those bastards :(
Harry Potter needs to stop. He was young and it did make sense that it's a boy in some wizard school in the first movies but look at how old and tall he is now. It's weird watching a tallass nerdy teenager. I have only seen the 2nd movie BTW.

Honestly, I just don't understand some people.
I'm going to get shot for this, but the Simpsons should've ended a long time ago.
It's a bit funny, but they rely too heavily on pop culture references.
Also, these Law and Order and CSI spin-offs need to stop immediately.
Twilight must stop. I hate myself for having a Facebook, but my family is obsessed so I must follow.

All I can say is that Twilight must stop.

Oh, and if Ga-Rei is just going to milk the living hell out of Yomi, thusly killing the statement at the anime's end and stunting Nimura's development for the last 20 chapters then it might as well quit while ahead. Don't get me wrong, I love Yuri, Yomi, and Ga-Rei as a whole, but seriously. They're making Yomi into a literary cow and sucking her freaking dry, over and OVER! I'm not sure my suspension of disbelief is still intact considering Kagura seems to have acquired Jesus powers or something...
Starwars and Star Trek need to stop. We already have enough weird geeky people in this planet and we don't need any more.(

...What the ****.
You don't have to be weird and geeky to like Star Wars...
I think Star Wars should've stopped after Return of the Jedi, because the prequels are just terrible.
Star Trek DID stop, until they made the latest movie, which, while it was an awful movie, was still fun to watch if you like Star Trek.
I love the original Star Trek series...
Seriously, don't assume people who like Star Trek are all Trekkies or Trekkers.
Or freaks.
...What the ****.
You don't have to be weird and geeky to like Star Wars...
I think Star Wars should've stopped after Return of the Jedi, because the prequels are just terrible.
Star Trek DID stop, until they made the latest movie, which, while it was an awful movie, was still fun to watch if you like Star Trek.
I love the original Star Trek series...
Seriously, don't assume people who like Star Trek are all Trekkies or Trekkers.
Or freaks.

Have you seen 20something year old guys dressing up and talking about Starwars and Startrek? You shouldn't be allowed to dress like the people on the show unless it's Halloween.

I'm tired of Family Guy and Robot Chicken talking about Starwars and Startrek :mad: please just stop.
You do have a point about the nerdy attire...

Family Guy needs to f***ing die, and all the people that quote it constantly need to be raped in a dark alleyway.
South Park all the way.
I like both South Park and Family Guy.

Thank god that Prison Break stopped. How many times are you going to escape from prison? Seriously.

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