TV/Video game/Movie series that NEED to stop

lol at all the guys wanting Sonic to stop. They FINALLY make a good Sonic game with a good formula and smooth gameplay and you guys want it to quit when things are finally looking up for ol' Sonic. :lol:
lol at all the guys wanting Sonic to stop. They FINALLY make a good Sonic game with a good formula and smooth gameplay and you guys want it to quit when things are finally looking up for ol' Sonic. :lol:

the sonic series i think shall not dissappear!!! and mario should stay too.
lol at all the guys wanting Sonic to stop. They FINALLY make a good Sonic game with a good formula and smooth gameplay and you guys want it to quit when things are finally looking up for ol' Sonic. :lol:
What about all those people complaining about the werehog sections?
My Name is Earl
Just how long can a small list be?
Its not exactly a A4 bit of paper but he cant have that many left
What?! For what reasons??

Also, for those that said Lost, how come?
Its all stuff that could just be a download

Lost = Dull
I thought it ended after the first session

What about all those people complaining about the werehog sections?
Reviews siad the Sonic bits where good and the werehog bits

Lennie = Put me up the Sonic collecting challenge. Most likely will kill me with rusty chainsaws if I fail to have a Sonic game in my grasp within two months of release. HALP!!

More games that need stoppage - Honestly, if they continue to be so mediocre, Final Fantasy. Your Mileage will definitely Vary about this though, I'm sure.
Lennie = Put me up the Sonic collecting challenge. Most likely will kill me with rusty chainsaws if I fail to have a Sonic game in my grasp within two months of release. HALP!!

More games that need stoppage - Honestly, if they continue to be so mediocre, Final Fantasy. Your Mileage will definitely Vary about this though, I'm sure.
Final Fantasy's really more of a case-by-case one unless you don't like RPGs. I mean, I quite liked FFXII, but I know many people hated it. Similarly, I didn't think FFVII was that great, but some people inexplicably think it's a masterpiece.
Personally Final Fantasy X was my favorite over VII.
Final Fantasy XII was a terrible game. The gameplay was terrible and it was all over the place and I hated the fact that you couldn't figure out what's going on in the story because of the old english language.

I think the casual games need to stop and also the Mario games. What about a new IP?

Have to agree with you Bodine, FFX is better than VII
Casual games stop... ? Are you mad?! Where will core gamers come from if they aren't slowly welcomed into gaming by more casual games? I know I wasn't a core gamer right from the start.

Mario games should continue, IMO. Some of them, however (Baseball!), should definatly stop. Mario Party really needs to end as well.

... Never played FFVII. I never owned a PS1, so... yeah. >.>;
My Name is Earl
Speak for yerself, mate.

TV: Lost, Heroes, American Idol, The Office, dancing shows, EVERY FREAKING REALITY SHOW

Movies: almost everything that has a sequel (except for the select few that turn out to be decent)

Games: Pokemans must die, mario spin-offs, World War FPSs, Spyro (after the PS1, there's probably been 2 good spyro games. Insomniac did the best work with this series)
Final Fantasy XII was a terrible game. The gameplay was terrible and it was all over the place and I hated the fact that you couldn't figure out what's going on in the story because of the old english language.
Old English language? Are you talking about the way that one guy who does a little bit of narration at the start?

I liked FFXII. The story didn't revolve around some whiny emo teenager protagonist (well it kinda did, but only for the first few hours), gambits save a lot of hassle, and unlike most RPG worlds Vana'diel felt consistent and detailed. I will admit the areas were a bit too big and the music sucked though.

Thats still going?
Yep. We had 14 episodes in total, they're up to 88. Love or hate the original version, you've got to give Ricky Gervais credit for bowing out while he was on top.

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