TV/Video game/Movie series that NEED to stop

HAhaha, LOST is here to stay, peoplez. Soo glad that show still has one more season left.

And Sonic Unleashed is great when excluding werehog sections. 'Nuff said.

I don't think too many shows/movies/games need to die. The Real World/Road Rules challenges need to die, SAWs should probably die already, Spiderman should stay dead but I'll bet there will be a 4th movie, really really bad Wii shovelware needs to die, and probably 80% of cartoons these days should die.

Camp Lazloo. ugh, what kids of today have to grow up with.

Camp Lazloo is TERRRRIBLE. So glad that show didn't air when I was still watching cartoons nonstop on CN.

I also dislike the artist in charge of animating it, too. Everyone looks so freakin' wierd. I even thought that back when I was a kid when he was handling Cow & Chicken.
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:lol: I HATED Cow & Chicken. It never could make me laugh. But Ed Edd & Eddy, that show had me crying I was laughing so hard. Made me sad when they announced it was being discontinued.
Ed, Edd 'n' Eddy is discontinued?!?! I guess there's no point in me being alive any more... -Suicides-

BUt Lost and Heroes have to end. So does SAW and so does Snog, marry, Avoid. All disney music-y films must go (Camp Rock and musical high school) and so must anything with the jonas brothers
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Ed, Edd 'n' Eddy is discontinued?!?! I guess there's no point in me being alive any more... -Suicides-

BUt Lost and Heroes have to end. So does SAW and so does Snog, marry, Avoid. All disney music-y films must go (Camp Rock and musical high school) and so must anything with the jonas brothers
Amen. ****ing HATE the Jonas Brothers.
Loads of the new disney stuff is crap. I love the REAL disney (Mickey and goofy andt the gang). I even have the ornaments from Walt disney world, florida
I miss old-school Disney, Nick, and CN. I remember when Samurai Jack first came around. I thought it was the most EPIC thing ever. :lol:
:lol: I HATED Cow & Chicken. It never could make me laugh. But Ed Edd & Eddy, that show had me crying I was laughing so hard. Made me sad when they announced it was being discontinued.

Heck yeah! Ed, Edd, & Eddy is where it's at.

Yeah man, it sucked hard when they discontinued that show. That was a quality show from start to finish. Not many shows accomplished that.

And yes, when I saw the premiere of Samurai Jack, that was truly EPIC cartoon footage that just graced CN. The Oscar that Samurai Jack got was well-deserved.

Ed, Edd 'n' Eddy is discontinued?!?! I guess there's no point in me being alive any more... -Suicides-

BUt Lost and Heroes have to end. So does SAW and so does Snog, marry, Avoid. All disney music-y films must go (Camp Rock and musical high school) and so must anything with the jonas brothers

I personally feel that Lost is very well-paced. The slowly-unwraveling mystery keeps me coming back. It has an end in sight (next season will be its last), but that's a quality show right there. Getting LOST on DVD = TVgasms.

I'd rather Heroes end, honestly. Just because it's so guaranteed that it won't end just because the superhero premise has been beaten to the ground, yet average viewers can't get enough of the concept anyway. =/

And WOW I can't believe I forgot the Jonas Brothers. In my opinion, they should've left the scene the moment they put their foot in the door. After hearing their tracks on the radio out of nowhere, it is painfully clear that their recognition has no correlation to their musical talent (or lack thereof).
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No more Twilight movies please. At least just make them R-Rated Gorn-fests. It's all they deserve to be should they even get the privilege of existence.
That one DBZ fanatic said:
But Ed Edd & Eddy, that show had me crying I was laughing so hard. Made me sad when they announced it was being discontinued.
Ed, Edd 'n Eddy was the best out of my childhood cartoons. WAY better than Chowder and all that new CN crap.

Ed was my favorite.

(I think I just found my new avatar/sig.)

I knew CN was going down the pooper once they aired those "Fridays" things on Friday Nights. What a crapfest that was.
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That one Pokemon Fanatic said:
Ed, Edd 'n Eddy was the best out of my childhood cartoons. WAY better than Chowder and all that new CN crap.

Ed was my favorite.

(I think I just found my new avatar/sig.)

I knew CN was going down the pooper once they aired those "Fridays" things on Friday Nights. What a crapfest that was.

I totally forgot about that Chowder BS. It's allmost as bad as Camp Lazloo. *shivers*
Mock of the week
I never found it funny

Loads of the new disney stuff is crap. I love the REAL disney (Mickey and goofy andt the gang). I even have the ornaments from Walt disney world, florida
Mickey and the others are on a Disney toddler show now in CGI glory.

To bad they cant get away with some of these classic toons anymore
All them shows on Disney channel that try to be funny and yet never are as they dont seem to grasp the basics of laughter
what about Foster's home for imaginary people? that was on a little too long (2 hours in a row).
I liked that show

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