True or False

No question eh? Well, to carry on the subject, I HIGHLY doubt that Nintendo truly scrapped HAMMER. It sounded like they were far into production, and that isnt like Ninty.

Anyway, the next person prefers dogs over cats.
True, dogs are cool and bigger, there your friend.
Cats and small and easily broken. You cannot play with them and you are practically there servant. you have to pick up **** after them and the **** in a box in your house. i just dont like little dogs, like those ones that are 10 lbs...mine are puppies and they are 100lbs.... dumb chihuahuas and crap screw those.for people who can handle a normal dog

anyway Next posteris pissed i just bashed Cats
False, although I am pissed that you bashed small dogs.

I have a maltese (short-haired) that weighs 6.5 lbs. ... ... ...full grown.

The next poster likes small dogs more than big dogs.

I got a fat cocker spaniel...okay.

And a Yellow Labrador... tops 90 lbs at 3 months old. w00t.

next poster has a small dog...which is male....which is named a girly name.

(I'm looking at you ChuChu)
dangit so close.

small dog-check
girly name-damn so close

Next poster has more than 5 pets.
Gahhh. if you count cats, then yes.
IMO, only 1.5... that cocker spaniel only counts as a half....

What's the dog's name anyways?

Next poster.... is determined to learn something important over summer break. (am I the only one? :p)
um Hell no. Im determined to Sit back and not do ****. Play some paintball and beat a shitload of games (ive beaten 6 games so far)

Next poster doenst like Jelly Donuts
Dont like Jelly period

Next poster realizes that the answer to his question is 'Riley'
LOL, what's female about that? True??

The next poster thinks it's a girly name.

bah, nothing beats chuchu on a guy shih tzu
Riley? A girly name? Are you on crack Brawny? False.

The next poster also thinks Brawny is on crack.
I I? Tralse.

The next poster believes that LIK is a 300 lb. 40 year old lady, who masquerades as a fit teen, going to be in the WWE.
...Youve finally found out my secret Brawny. I was dreading this day. lol, jokes aside, you want me to give you proof? *grabs camera*

lol, next person is also amazed at how much reputation Brawny has.

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