True or False

WEll....for my mom, about 20 times.

For me, never. Worst I've done is fractured a thumb.....went to the med center...12 hours after it happened, and I had Karate class before that. Wow, never knew how much Niahanchin Kata's used a tucked thumb. LMFAO

anyways.... the next poster..hasn't broken ANYTHING.
False, ive broke my ankle before, and i fractured my shoulder recently!

Next poster has posted in this thread more than 10 times
False. Ive never been in the States, but u wanna see some of the States ive been in...

Next poster likes Tuna and Onion Sarnies.'d you get off your ban? Jill told me it was perma.... will you ever learn? dun dun dunnnnnnn....

need a question there fanboy.
You sure about that answer? tee hee

Uh...depends on the definition of "play"...

The next poster read that as violence, rather than sexual. LMFAO


The next person took down their sig because it became worthless after news of Nintendo dropping the production of a certain game. :lol: :wink:
false....Actually, I loved that sig. I'm using tyler's because I'm lazy and wanted a new sig to display over my absence.

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