BURN THREAD make a burn to next poster and then burn back!


The next poster is a failure at school.
ur just so angry about your terrible, that you want to take out ur anger on somebody who has outstanding grades.

the next person wants to be a psycologist.
You're moms gynocolagist (spell? twat doctor)

Next person has traveled in the last month
Is that a bad thing? Now that I think about it, we do move too much, i've moved over 12 times in my entire life.T.T So many different schools waaa bad memories.... oh hello your still here>.>
next poster hates waffles. Darn you waffle hater! =p
Nope. In fact I hate all fruit and most vegstables.
fyi: your supposed to try and insult the next poster:).
Next poster is a towel!
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  • #37
you better hope i am cuz i bet you need one OOOOH!

next poster thinks the PS3 is a very succesful product and will win the console wars
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  • #39
CyanRussel said:
I dont think that...it will be successful though!

Next just shoved their wii-mote up their ass b/cuz they couldnt get any excitement from their girlfriend!!

thats what YOUR girlfreind does!

Next poster hates Red Vs. Blue
Dan.Skater said:
The next poster worships Sony

Hey I like my meat girlled not baked! yay sony!!

Next poster Thinks im Hot (and yes im a guy).