Tretton: PS3 is lobster 'n steak, PS2 is McDonalds, Wii is a lollipop, 360 is .......

Wade said:
What an asshat.


He also forgot to mention that the PS3 is the driest steak in existence. What's that? They're bringing steak sauce? They better ****ing hurry up with it.

An excellent post.
How is the remote more relaxing when it must constantly be pointed at the screen and you have to move your whole arm?

The Wii is for kids. I dont know why anyone would argue that. Point to RE4 and Manhunt 2, that doesnt mean anything.

The PS is for adults, its got more complex games. I wont argue its for kids too, depends on how game savvy the kid is. There are games for kids, but that doesnt make it a kids system. Its for adults who have kids around.
Wade said:
What an asshat.


He also forgot to mention that the PS3 is the driest steak in existence. What's that? They're bringing steak sauce? They better ****ing hurry up with it.

your reffering to the games =P

lets take a look at wiis games shell we:lol:

now trust me on this one

quantity dosnt make a system good
Did I say anything about the Wii? Stop being a fanboy.

And ROFLMAO at you just now figuring out what I was saying.
Yes, I said something negative about one console and that invariably means that my opinion of any other console is higher.
Wade said:
What an asshat.


He also forgot to mention that the PS3 is the driest steak in existence. What's that? They're bringing steak sauce? They better ****ing hurry up with it.

well anyone will inference that since the articles lolliepop is reffering to wii so will that sentence in your post =P
What I was saying in that particular part of the post is that Tretton is silly for thinking he's too old or sophisticated for the Wii . I did NOT say that the Wii had a better selection of games than the PS3, or that I hold it in higher regards.

You really need to stop assuming whatever fits you, and stop reading things that aren't there.
I was simply correcting Tretton's analogy.

Let me ask you something. Why are you such a fanboy? Stop getting defensive every time someone says something negative about the console that's apparently oh-so precious to you.
im not a fanboy

if someone were to diss wii about its kiddish games ill defend it

if someone were to diss 360 about the faults ill defend it

so i was just defending the ps3 =P

and i swear to god if paintballer comes here and posts the post i put on another thread which said "im a fanboy" iw WAS a FRIKEN joke
billm00666 said:
Cookies are what store your pw. Ive sent a pm to ion and he didnt reply back. I wasnt banned on that account, but nice try. if I was banned would I admit to it being me?
Ok, get off your highhorse and read what I originally put:
me said:
How are you Wii&PS3? Haven't seen your trolling around here for a while...
Did I say banned? No. I clearly did not. I said I haven't seen your trolling around here lately, and I havent.

Sounds to me your panties are in a bunch. Its what happens when you call the wii a kiddie system to a nintendo fanboy :lol:
Ok, re-read my post:
me said:
I'm not mad at all. I just reject the analogy because it's just plain stupid.
Yes, that sounds like I'm really getting mad doesn't it?! [/sarcasm] Actually, what happens when you called the Wii a kiddie system is that you lose repesctibility because you're obviously mis-guided.

Actually it does. I dont have to buy a game for it. I just download them from wiitorrents or blackcatsgames. Even with a chip and all the free games I want I still dont play it.
You wouldn't anyway. A true Sony fanboy like yourself would always dis the Wii. Fact of the matter is, it's no skin off everyone elses nose if you play it or not, but by posting these stupid threads of what dumbass thing Sony's PR has said this time, and wholeheartedly agreeing with it will annoy people. That's your aim and that's why you're disliked around here.

Im sorry theres no such thing as the eyetoy for the ps3.
No it's for Sony's more successful console, the PS2. I didn't say it was for PS3 dumbass. And the point I was trying to make, is that Sony also utlizes "things" that are aimed at "kiddies".

They dropped the toy name to not make them look like another nintendo gadget.
Ouch, that would hurt if it wasn't for the fact that you just make crap up.

Also I dont know if you noticed, but almost every single game for the wii is directed towards kids.
Ye, I can see how Mortal Kombat Armageddon, Red Steel, Scarface, Godfather, Resident Evil 4, Driver etc... And those are just the ones out now, there's Manhunt 2, Bully, Sadness, Umbrella Chronicles. And that's not counting the "non-mature" titles, that are rated "Teen". I mean, would you really conside Farcry, Medal Of Honor and Call of Duty "kiddies games"?

Most of the games for the ps3 are directed towards an older crowd. Im sure you will try and disagree, but you might as well face the facts.
Why would I disagree? I agree, and include it in their downfall. Lack of variety is part of the reason why Nintendo might not even consider Sony competition atm.

Littlebigplanet has a younger feel to it, but I will definitely be buying it.
*cough* Hypocrite *cough*

lbp is 10x more creative than anything nintendo has ever put out.
Hahaha. Ok, now I get it, you're joking. You had me going there. Hahaha.

Guess what? It has great graphics too :smilewinkgrin:
Oh noes! How will Nintendo ever be able to compete?! Moron.

You can be very creative and still have great graphics. Nintendo should take some of that advice.
Haha, take advice from Sony?! Lol. You are a funny guy, you know that!

I know alot of people who own the wii as well, and not as many who own a ps3. Guess what? None of them play the wii anymore.
Shock horror! Like I'd based my opinions of Sony's success on you?! You've run with every Sony spun story you can acquire.

It was an impulse purchase.
Haha, 2 things:
1. You have to have an impulse (or will) to buy anything.
2. There was tonnes of people, and there's still people waiting to this day for this "impulse buy".

Not even my 6 yeard old niece, or my 3 and 8 year old nephew play it when they come over. They ask "do you have any good games for it?" I just say "no there are no good games for it." I have wii play, wii sports, zelda, pirates of the caribbean, big brain academy, super paper mario, rayman, red steel, and cod. All of which suck.
So, what you're basicaly saying is they enquire about it, and take your word for it that the Wii has no good games (as any self-respecting Sony fanboy would). And you're giving me that as proof that "not even kiddies like it"? Do you see where you went wrong?

How do you get 4 guys who enjoy playing a wii to sit on one barstool?

Turn it upside down.
How do you get a Sony fanboy to be quiet?...

...No really, I'm asking, because you will never seem to shut up.

Seriously though, look at how crappy the 360 is doing.
Hmm, this proves what everyone already knows...

1 billion in repairs? What a bunch of crap. Microsoft sucks at making hardware.
I'm sorry, forgive me. How breakable was the PS2? You remember in those "robbust" tests on youtube...

They might as well stick to software and be done with the hardware. In fact my microsoft wireless mouse keeps dropping connections all the time. Same thing happened with the last one I owned. You can say anything you want, but the fact is that the 360 failure rate is extremely high.
Erm, yes. I saw that too. However, I'm not going to dispute this, because you know what? For the first time ever, I believe this. However, it's notable that you don't say that both the PS3 and Wii have reportedly had less than 1% returned to shops.

I will repeat it again 1 Billion in repairs. Let that one marinate a little bit.
Lol. You seem to be under the delusion that someone cares...

What like metroid? Or mario galaxy? If those are nintendos big games coming this year, I would be damn worried.
You forgot Smash Bros. Also, let's not forget Mario Kart coming next year. That's not counting third party developers. After looking at the PS3's lineup, the only PS3 exclusive that I would go for would be, Final Fantasy XIII. Even then, I think the Final Fantasy series has been going downhill for a while. Possibly Time Crisis 4.
In essence, if it got to the point where I wanted to play some of those games, I'd buy a 360.

I guess that cant means sony is actually supplying consoles.
And this has nothing to do with the fact that they aren't selling as well as Sony would hope...[/sarcasm]
Nintendo fanboys will look at the negative of everything.
It's kinda hard to look on the bright side of not enough interest to sell-out on launch in the UK.

I have tons of wiis sitting on thelves by me.
Ooo, thelves? Did you mean shelves? Surely not because the "t" key and the "s" key is actually not next to each other...

Either that or you've suddenly acquired a lisp...

Nice job Chris Eubank

Ive posted pictures in the past that all the fanboys said was fake :lol:
Yes, I read a bit on that. Where do you live? Just so that I can send all the American people who don't have a Wii yet...

What does that have to do with it?
Go google Pizza, find out where it comes from originally.

I swear its like arguing with someone who has downes syndrome.
It's "down's Syndrome" (or "down syndrome"), doesn't go with an "e" at the end of downs. Oh, and you should look up what it means, because you're obviously misguided. Either that or you're ignorant and like to poke fun at people who have disabilities.

Nobody understands your analogy because it doesnt make sense. Put on your helmet and be done with it.
And who said "I don't understand your analogy"? Oh, and by the way, nobody else had helmets. I'm afraid that's just you.

Lastly, would a mod please either lock or delete this thread. It serves no purpose but for people to argue.

Also, would someone from Sony just fire Playstations' PR. They do no favours to the company and they make the console war into a playground fight.
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zeon9881 said:
im not a fanboy

if someone were to diss wii about its kiddish games ill defend it

if someone were to diss 360 about the faults ill defend it

so i was just defending the ps3 =P

and i swear to god if paintballer comes here and posts the post i put on another thread which said "im a fanboy" iw WAS a FRIKEN joke
It obviously wasn't a joke though. Read this and see if it sounds like a joke.

zeon said:
im a ps3 fanboy but the good kind so you want see my trashing 360 or wii (i own a wii and i lov it to )

paintba||er said:
Tch, tch, read the sig.

zeon said:
paintballer you know me

you have never seen me dissing the ps3,360,wii

hell i defend each console from the bad fanboys

remember when i was about to get 360 but didnt because i found out that it was actully more expensive then a ps3

If you think that is a joke then you are retarded....

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