Tretton: PS3 is lobster 'n steak, PS2 is McDonalds, Wii is a lollipop, 360 is .......

First of all, you don't need to post the same question twice in the span of five minutes. This is a message board, not a chat room. Second, you're retarded if you didn't understand the analogy. I was saying it currently lacks games. Now, before you **** a brick and start bitching about how the Wii has as small a selection of games as the PS3, I never claimed that it doesn't. I'm simply pointing out that Tretton's analogy is very misleading.
First of all, you don't need to post twice in the span of five minutes. This is a message board, not a chat room. Second, you're retarded if you didn't understand the analogy. I was saying it currently lacks games. Now, before you **** a brick and start bitching about how the Wii has as small a selection of games as the PS3, I never claimed that it doesn't. I'm simply pointing out that Tretton's analogy is very misleading.

thats completly absurd

your post was the ps3 is to "dry"

but i have no clue how that is linked to tretton

the ps3 may not have that many games but look at wii it has alot but then 97% off those suck

while ps3 has alittle and it has good games

so obviously you have to go edit you last post their to sokehow include tretton into it
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Wii&PS3, why are you here...are you that bored of life? To poke sticks at people. Your like that fat kid in school that picks on everybody nobody likes. I'm usually not mean at all. But you're redic.

I actually think lollypop is a good metaphor for the Wii in many ways. It's fun, addicting, and the girls love it. :D

I didn't mean to hurt anybody with the fat joke. Just used it as an example.
sherwood3570 said:
Wii&PS3, why are you here...are you that bored of life? To poke sticks at people. Your like that fat kid in school that picks on everybody nobody likes. I'm usually not mean at all. But you're redic.

I actually think lollypop is a good metaphor for the Wii in many ways. It's fun, addicting, and the girls love it. :D

I didn't mean to hurt anybody with the fat joke. Just used it as an example.

i never said wii was bad now did i

wade commented that the ps3 dosnt have that many games which is completly absurd

so before you go and say "well you dont have to comment on that" well obviously someone will comment on it and impretty sure that person will be more mad then me

so now go ahead tell me if wade didnt say that ps3 was to "dry" would i have commented

well atleast theirs one real thing about your post

im actully fat in real life

now you would be thinking why is he telling me that

well thats cause i dont actully care a cows small ass about what anybody thinks about me
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  • #20
So now you can't get on not because of being banned, but because you wiped your cookies? Aren't passwords supposed to be remembered?

Cookies are what store your pw. Ive sent a pm to ion and he didnt reply back. I wasnt banned on that account, but nice try. if I was banned would I admit to it being me?

I'm not mad at all. I just reject the analogy because it's just plain stupid.

Sounds to me your panties are in a bunch. Its what happens when you call the wii a kiddie system to a nintendo fanboy :lol:

Yes, because chipping a Wii makes it more playable? There again, who's surprised that a Sony fanboy isn't playing his Wii?

Actually it does. I dont have to buy a game for it. I just download them from wiitorrents or blackcatsgames. Even with a chip and all the free games I want I still dont play it.

Two words. Eye Toy. Unless you missed the memo, Wii isn't just for kids.

Im sorry theres no such thing as the eyetoy for the ps3. Its called the pseye. They dropped the toy name to not make them look like another nintendo gadget. Also I dont know if you noticed, but almost every single game for the wii is directed towards kids. Most of the games for the ps3 are directed towards an older crowd. Im sure you will try and disagree, but you might as well face the facts.

Littlebigplanet has a younger feel to it, but I will definitely be buying it. lbp is 10x more creative than anything nintendo has ever put out. Guess what? It has great graphics too :smilewinkgrin: You can be very creative and still have great graphics. Nintendo should take some of that advice.

Hahaha, yeah very funny. Actually, I have a fine lovelife, and I'm living with my fiance. She likes the Wii too. In fact, I know more people with a Wii than with a PS3.

I know alot of people who own the wii as well, and not as many who own a ps3. Guess what? None of them play the wii anymore. It was an impulse purchase. Not even my 6 yeard old niece, or my 3 and 8 year old nephew play it when they come over. They ask "do you have any good games for it?" I just say "no there are no good games for it." I have wii play, wii sports, zelda, pirates of the caribbean, big brain academy, super paper mario, rayman, red steel, and cod. All of which suck.

Hahahahahahahaha. Ok, now tell the one about the blind man walking into a bar!

How do you get 4 guys who enjoy playing a wii to sit on one barstool?

Turn it upside down.

Seriously though, look at how crappy the 360 is doing. 1 billion in repairs? What a bunch of crap. Microsoft sucks at making hardware. They might as well stick to software and be done with the hardware. In fact my microsoft wireless mouse keeps dropping connections all the time. Same thing happened with the last one I owned. You can say anything you want, but the fact is that the 360 failure rate is extremely high. I will repeat it again 1 Billion in repairs. Let that one marinate a little bit.

Stores are selling out? Maybe where you are. You may live in Sony fanboy central, but I can assure you, it's not the same everywhere. Oh, and there are lots of great games coming, for the Wii also.

What like metroid? Or mario galaxy? If those are nintendos big games coming this year, I would be damn worried.

Come over to the UK, I can guarantee there's tonnes over here. Also, try not to use ps3 forums and such, it's bad enough Sony themselves give enough spin to knock their console into orbit, but fanboys are even worse.

I guess that cant means sony is actually supplying consoles. Nintendo fanboys will look at the negative of everything. I have tons of wiis sitting on thelves by me. Ive posted pictures in the past that all the fanboys said was fake :lol:

Ever heard of Italy?
What does that have to do with it? I swear its like arguing with someone who has downes syndrome.

Ye, because it's become popular. If you don't understand my analogy, you just have to ask.

Nobody understands your analogy because it doesnt make sense. Put on your helmet and be done with it.

Haha. Just because I got the syntax a little off you think that makes it worthy to comment on. "Ohh, I've been pwned, because I've messed up my grammar slightly". P.S. Fixed.[/QUOTE]

Nice job Borat.
ROFLS so you are wondering why your niece or nephew dont play the wii when you say
"no there is no good games" little tikes listen to anything and everything they hear at those ages"

your facts suck
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  • #22
Wii_BrEnDo2007 said:
i like lollipops noob-ass

so yay i got a real radio lollypop

on a nother note ****ing hell wii&ps3 you are the most biased bastered to walk the earth and ps3=****,360=very good wii= excelent

oh and before i get the fanboy zombies on my tail one thing

do not diss the lollies
heres a very true fact for you:
the "lolly" is the 2nd best selling console on the market as of the may-june market behind the ds (um "burger king?")

hats off nintendo
good job microsoft
sony go get some cooking lessons

Sorry nobody will be dissing you because nobody can understand what you wrote. Next time try and type in english and you might get a response. :tard:
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  • #23
Wii_BrEnDo2007 said:
ROFLS so you are wondering why your niece or nephew dont play the wii when you say
"no there is no good games" little tikes listen to anything and everything they hear at those ages"

your facts suck

They played all the games and didnt like any of them. They liked wii sports when the wii first came out, but it got boring to them. Get your facts straight :ciappa:

I forgot I also have resident evil 4, but the wiimote made that game worse. The tank game on wiiplay is amusing, but I couldnt sit there for more than 10 minutes playing it. Oh well maybe a good game will come one day, hopefully.......
"Hey, the names Jack Tretton, I'm too old for a video game console thats attempting to appeal to all age groups, but I'm not to old to make petty insults towards my competition."

Thats how I read it anyway.
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  • #25
sherwood3570 said:
Wii&PS3, why are you here...are you that bored of life? To poke sticks at people. Your like that fat kid in school that picks on everybody nobody likes. I'm usually not mean at all. But you're redic.

I actually think lollypop is a good metaphor for the Wii in many ways. It's fun, addicting, and the girls love it. :D

I didn't mean to hurt anybody with the fat joke. Just used it as an example.

I guess im here because its the ps3 section. I know its tough to read, but one day you will get it.

Lets get one thing straight. Little girls like lollipos. If you enjoy little girls, then thats your cup of tea. I however like girls who are older and wont go to jail over.

The wii is just like a lollipop. Its ok to eat once in a great while, but you feel too old when you do.

lastly im not fat. I have 10% body fat :) I can poke you with a stick if you would like.
zeon9881 said:
thats completly absurd

your post was the ps3 is to "dry"

but i have no clue how that is linked to tretton

the ps3 may not have that many games but look at wii it has alot but then 97% off those suck

while ps3 has alittle and it has good games

so obviously you have to go edit you last post their to sokehow include tretton into it
Learn to read.
how did the wii mote ruin RE4? i just completed the game on Wii and it was the best RE4 ive ever played. and ive played 1-4 missed code veronica. i liked the fact i could relax on my couch with one arm on each side and play not having to grab a controller and keep it infront of me i could relax with it.

im pretty sure nobody was dissing RE4:wtf:

and wade edit your dam post

it makes no sence at all

your post simply said that the ps3 was to dry

i dont get how you could think people will just automaticly add tretten into their
Still haven't learned to read? That's all right, it takes time, especially when you have the mental capacity of a two year-old

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