Top 5 of 09

Nov 25, 2009
East Coast
Wii Online Code
Whats your top 5 favorite games of 2009?
Mines are
2.The Conduit
3.Metroid Trilogy
4.TMNT: Smash Up
5.EA Skate It

What are yours?
1: inFAMOUS (PS3)
2: Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days (DS)
3: New Super Mario Bros Wii (Wii)
4: Pokemon Platinum (DS)
5: ---

i haven't played many '09 games
Disgaea DS
Street Fighter 4

Those are the only games that came out this year that I bought and Street fighter 4 because it was only a fiver
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Since people are listinggames for all consoles, heres my NEW list:
2.Dead Space
3.Tekken 6
4.the Conduit
5. Batman: Arkham asylum
Batman Arkham Asylum (PS3)
inFamous (PS3)
Disgaea 3 (PS3)
Professor Layton and the Demon's Box (DS)
Mario and Luigi: Bowser's Inside Story (DS)

The last one was meh, but I haven't bought many 09 games..

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