Is it really the right time to start a 'Top 5 Virtual Console Games' post?


WiiChat Member
Dec 17, 2007
I was checking out Digg and saw some top 10, 20, 30 virtual games on the Wii posts, so I figured I'd do my own, but top 5 instead.

My Top 5

I still think it's sorta early to decide what the top games are on the channel.
Sounds great. My top 5 would include Donkey Kong Country 1,2 and 3, SMB 1,2,3 Super Mario 64, Metroid, Super Metroid. Thats more than 5 isnt it, maybe it should be top 10 or something instead.
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George said:
Sounds great. My top 5 would include Donkey Kong Country 1,2 and 3, SMB 1,2,3 Super Mario 64, Metroid, Super Metroid. Thats more than 5 isnt it, maybe it should be top 10 or something instead.

That's more or less what I would put after the top 5, lol.
Donkey Kong Country
Super Mario Bros.
Street Fighter II World Fighter
Pokemon Snap

I only own the first and third but I've played them all on their respective consoles and they're awesome so meh.

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