W Wozz500 WiiChat Member Jul 5, 2007 343 5 Jul 30, 2007 #1 My top 5 games are 1. Resident Evil 4 2. Mario Strikers Charged 3. Call of Duty 3 4. Mario Party 8 5. Zelda ..might change as I've not tried Big Brain Accademy yet.
My top 5 games are 1. Resident Evil 4 2. Mario Strikers Charged 3. Call of Duty 3 4. Mario Party 8 5. Zelda ..might change as I've not tried Big Brain Accademy yet.
6 6ix rebmeM tahCiiW May 24, 2007 308 5 Jul 30, 2007 #2 I dunno about COD and I would switch Mario Party with Wario Ware
Eddienoteddy mii love wii Feb 13, 2007 244 6 CT Wii Online Code 1656-4947-1080-8284 Jul 30, 2007 #3 we've had this topic a thousand time...USE THE SEARCH FUNCTION!!!!!!!!!
OP W Wozz500 WiiChat Member Jul 5, 2007 343 5 Jul 30, 2007 Thread Starter Thread starter #4 Eddienoteddy piss off u miserable git, if u look i'm not askin 4 peoples top 5. What a numpty.
Eddienoteddy mii love wii Feb 13, 2007 244 6 CT Wii Online Code 1656-4947-1080-8284 Jul 30, 2007 #5 wow man your are stupid. by posting your top 5 you want to create debate and have everyone else post their top 5 and see how they compare.
wow man your are stupid. by posting your top 5 you want to create debate and have everyone else post their top 5 and see how they compare.
mushroomedmario ssb4life May 5, 2007 3,826 39 Waterloo, ontario, canada Wii Online Code 5701-4561-7633-7008 Jul 30, 2007 #6 yeah wozz500 i dont' care much about people posting the same stuff but not 103737 times per second arghghhghhg plus, you list sucks
yeah wozz500 i dont' care much about people posting the same stuff but not 103737 times per second arghghhghhg plus, you list sucks
G gunsnroses No more stupid posts! Jun 23, 2007 228 1 K-Town, Texas Wii Online Code 8487-7279-3996-8875 Jul 30, 2007 #7 ppl who say use search!! r just freaksd its a freaking forum get livesss wazzup mushroom?
OP W Wozz500 WiiChat Member Jul 5, 2007 343 5 Jul 31, 2007 Thread Starter Thread starter #8 Ok I apologise for the post but seriously I am not going to start posting on a post that's like a week old and that no other people are posting on. I agree with Gunsnroses it is a forum and new members are joing all the time.
Ok I apologise for the post but seriously I am not going to start posting on a post that's like a week old and that no other people are posting on. I agree with Gunsnroses it is a forum and new members are joing all the time.
mushroomedmario ssb4life May 5, 2007 3,826 39 Waterloo, ontario, canada Wii Online Code 5701-4561-7633-7008 Jul 31, 2007 #9 hmm there should be an official thread for this oh well i might as well give a decent comment on it zelda should be above mario party and call of duty and mario party 8 should be replaced with super monkey ball banana blitz
hmm there should be an official thread for this oh well i might as well give a decent comment on it zelda should be above mario party and call of duty and mario party 8 should be replaced with super monkey ball banana blitz