Creative Suggestions For a Different/Humorous Style of Game

You gotta see this if you never have.

Ha!! That was very funny. I liked the squatting/standing match at 2:53. I also liked the last encounter in the video... shooting the other guy in the butt. Nice.
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  • #17
Yeah, the up-down-up-down is something I see a lot of noobers do in this game. I can't really figure out why, though. Squatting doesn't make you invisible LOL
When you're reloading and some dude is gunning you down, squatting can help.
First i weave a bit too the left and the right. When they think i'm gonna try to live it out that way, i (at times)squat.
This is effective when they are aiming rather high up on your body, making them miss their bullets.
It's especially useful vs shotguns.

Ow and welcome back forum :)
Yeah, the up-down-up-down is something I see a lot of noobers do in this game. I can't really figure out why, though.

Probably because half of the Goldeneye n00b crowd are just transitioning over from CoD, where "drop shots" actually work really well against other scrubs. But last I checked, you can't go prone in Goldeneye, so it's probably not half as effective lol.
Probably because half of the Goldeneye n00b crowd are just transitioning over from CoD, where "drop shots" actually work really well against other scrubs. But last I checked, you can't go prone in Goldeneye, so it's probably not half as effective lol.

Crouching improves accuracy, that is all :)

The up down thing could be an attempt at distraction when reloading... i sometimes crouch for cover when reloading but not up and down lol..... maybe they are frustrated online dancers :D
^ Increase accuracy, or decrease recoil?

Still wouldn't put it past said CoD noobs to be attempting drop shots. :lol:
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  • #23
Perhaps the "up-down-up-down" is a new form of exercise? There are many players out there that have become lazy couch potatoes as a result of video games, and this could be the only activity they get? I *might* fall under that one... I am going to go run stairs in Archives now just in case I need to burn a few calories!
What about the ability to pick up a 2nd gun in any match, so you've got dual weapons drawn at anytime throughout the match?!? Masterson in one arm, Ivana in the other?!? Just a thought....
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  • #25
Yeah, Miller, that is a possibility. But you don't have to squat to pick up a different weapon, let alone do it repeatedly in the same spot. The guy in the movie posted above that we referenced earlier was also sniping. Obviously, he needed to stretch his legs from being in the same spot for so long! lol
Did you ever play the Goldeneye for N64? I remember you could just run over the gun that you had selected and it would automatically pick it up and you had dual weapons!!! Regardless, I love playing this game....when I have time!
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  • #27
Did you ever play the Goldeneye for N64? I remember you could just run over the gun that you had selected and it would automatically pick it up and you had dual weapons!!! Regardless, I love playing this game....when I have time!
Yeah...GE 64 was da bomb back in the day and still is! It would be awesome if you could have "double-guns" in the wii version!
What i like doing if there's a noob in archives or something using a shotgun, i duck behind cover and time my squats to when he shoots and come up while he's reloading and kill him one shot at a time.

I'm so mean :(
^ "Whack-a-mole" is such a laughably viable strategy against n00bs in any shooter. :lol: Won't lie that I find myself doing it on occasion, then killing 'em with the worst weapon I've got on their reload. Scrubs need to learn how to take cover.

/is also mean
in call of duty and golden eye for wii
i have 5 hackers``friends´´ because i call for them and go 2 play together ( in the same team)
it is fun because they make me with 999 of life but i can die if i got 200 shots
also , i stand anywhere , and ,when a enemy comes , one of my friends apear out of nothing(cross the wall hack) and kill them. pretty fun.

also in a goldeneye match i found a guy named bomberman, that guy killed everybody only with bombs ( of all kind),
in cod mw3 , i saw a guy named wiiassasin, he killed all the enemies ONLY WITH KNIFES giving slashes on the back, i know this because my friend was in the other team

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