This Thread Suck Game

10. this thread sucks more than having to order chinese food in spanish, having to order mexican food in chinese, and having to order pizza in street slang when ur at the mall. :frown2:

This thread sucks worse then being dead asleep and having your older brother take a video of your younger brother jump from the top of the couch and onto your balls
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not worth rating lol...jk. like 5

This thread sucks worse then being a lightning bug during the summer...:frown2:
haha,10, especially w/ me around

this thread sucks more than chicks who cant make a point, so when you make a better argument than them, they say "whatever"
i hate that! ten outa ten!

this thread sucks worse then when a girl uses that tone of voice were everything they say seems like a question!
haha 8/10

This thread sucks worse then 10 and 11 year old girls who wear booty shorts that say "hot stuff" or something in that manner thinking their sexy when there not packing any ass.
def 10 i hate that!!!

this thread sucks more than having my school force us to wear CLEAR SEE THROUGH BACK PACKS
omfg those are so ugly...10. why do u have to wear them??? do you go to school in detroit or something??

this thread sucks more than freshmen who think they are sooooo cool.

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