The Wii Sucks Because

Hmm your friend doesn`t know much about gaming does he?
Anyway 30 minutes of Wii Sports and SSBM should convert him into a Nintendo Lover.
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hes just not an Nintendo fan. he loved the N64, just lost it with the GC.

personally I'm doing the geeky thing and taking the day off in hopes of a. getting my pre-order and b tracking one down.
I really don't like it when people say that soemone is an idiot just because they think graphics are more important than gameplay. They aren't idiots, they just don't understand our way of thinking. To Nintendo fans, and Nintendo alike, gaming is about the fun, not the insane over the top graphics. We would rather play a great game for hours than play a horrible game with amazing graphics for twenty minutes. On the other hand, they would love to see the sweat dripping from every pore of every character.

Obviously, I got a wii, and I might get a 360 for the occassional good game in all its HD glory. But for now, I'd rather have fun than playing a game than be bored playing a game.

And one more thing, when people say that the wii graphics suck, THAT is retarded! If the ps3 and xbox360 were not in existance people would be drooling over the graphics on the wii.
oh well then i agree with you, along with alot of other ppl im sure, Nintendo did kinda lose it with the GCN, but it has made the Wii seem all that much better IMO. Gameceube had a lot of promises but apart from Smash Bros it was pretty dull, and a gaming experience im not in any hurry to rush back to. Bring on Wii in 3days!
Just because games contain the same characters doesn't mean they are the same game and i could say sony is having the same games just better graphics even more so final fantasy 15(or what ever number they are at) anyone? There are so many franchises for Sony and Microsoft I don't wanna hear how nintendo just makings same games over and over again they don't with the few exceptions of remakes like "super mario 64 ds" which was a totaly awsome game even though it was nearly same exact game as the original Super Mario 64.
Yup, your friend is retarded. Maybe the games are the same, but not in that way. It is a series of games. SSBB, look at that game for an example. It is a 3rd installment of the game. More characters, levels whatever. Zelda, has a series, I think. Mario Party, has its series.

Sorry to all you zelda fans, but I am not really into Zelda games that much. I never even played a Zelda game in my life. So I don't know the story. It's like Link is trying to save Zelda or something. I know who Link and Zelda are though. I don't have enough time to play that kind of game. I am probably going to get it for the Wii, because of all the good reviews.

Look at Sony & Microsoft. They are using the same designs aor the systems. Well, not the whole design, parts of it.

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