This Thread Suck Game's not that bad, just everything tastes so damn WEIRD!!

this thread sucks more than having 2 trippy ass dreams in a row!! (not the good kind either)
prolly 8 i guess... i wouldn't know.

This thread sucks worse then waiting 10 hours in line outside of Target in 30 degree weather and finding out that your number 13 in line to buy a wii when theres only twelve due to under the counter sales... happened..
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this thread sucsk more than getting you wii and you cant go online

This thread sucks worse then going into a pool with a girl and realizing shes right in the middle of her period...we all should know the outcome...

EDIT: lol im two slow, i keep having to edit my post haha
ARav989 said:

This thread sucks worse then going into a pool with a girl and realizing shes right in the middle of her period...we all should know the outcome...

EDIT: lol im two slow, i keep having to edit my post haha
oh my god........OH MY GOD!! :yikes: that's the horriblest thing i've heard all day!!! ∞/10!!!

this thread sucks more than flamers

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