This is How the Next Zelda Game Should be like!!!

hmmm yeah i agree with most of that, although, the story line in TP was pretty different from the others, but yeah needed more swords, shields, and stuff like dins fire etc. There should also be blood in zelda, needs to be more violent

1)No. Link does not need a voice. It would destroy his awesomeness

2)It should sort of stay the same.I think Legend of Zelda just wouldn't be the same without the saving Zelda plot, it just need new twists.


4)No:mad2:. Like #2, it wouldn't be the same without Ganondorf or the Master Sword.

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#s 1 and/or 3

I think Link does not need a voice but he maybe should be able to interact through people and effect the outcome of something in someway. The voice not being there is part of the series. Its tradition if you ask me. But if you could change the storyline based on your choices it seems to get too complicated. Either he talks to the other characters or doesnt.

#s 2, 3, 4, and 5

Im thinking crazy story line. This is just thought. In the storyline, im considering kind of a bad choice (#3) that Link would make in a cut scene early on. Then the storyline would then get Link somehow thrown into another dimension. In this i can also add to #s 4 and 5. Various things are different in different dimensions are different dimensions supposedly. So in theory in one dimension Link could fight himself there and Ganondorf be his ally. Even the goddesses themselves could be allys or enemies and Link could (#5) gain the powers by defeating or allying himself with them. He could fight through a # of dimensions to get the powers to get home. The final bosses (#4) could be the keeper of the dimensions and the Big boss at the end could be Keeper of the Universe or something. I dont think that would be practical to defeat the keepers of dimensions or universes or whatever, I just havent thought of anything else yet.

Just thought but what do you think?
1 link dont need a voice
2 new vailan wat do you think of dark link
3 new powers mayby invicheble ninja link black suit
4 zelda mst be saved its like kingkong
5 wy dont chanche the sword somting with magic
Why don't Nintendo bring back Shadow Link from "Zelda 2 adventures of link". Shadow Link could be an update modernize version. Why would link need a voice all of the sudden, if he didn't have a voice in the first Zelda game in '87, why now. I know
he didn't have a voice in the first Zelda game in '87, why now.
I know that was probably a bad example but still... True Maio had a voice in I think by the time when Mario 64 came out. But that's Mario. I think all i'm saying is Link doesn't need a voice.
I've heard somewhere before the reason Link doesn't have a voice is so that you can better relate to him. Like, you can use your imagination of his responses instead of him saying it. When the main character has his/her own opinion it distances yourself from them and it's not like YOU or w/e.

Well I did a bad job of explaining but maybe someone got it xD