Evil Princess Zelda
Look here buster you don't know anything about zelda. So don't talk to me about this stupid non-sense ok.KaDee said:And you must think you know everything about peoples posts and their true meanings. If you read his post in the way it was intended then you can clearly see he said, "I think it is not true".
Now I think you jumped the gun and misread the intentions of his question after that statement, because he was merely using it as a way to point out the fact that, if what the original poster said was true then there should be some link between MM Link and TP Link. Not that he is saying the Tri-force is now infact the Quad-force.
Where you came to the assumption that he said there are more then three pieces or that he thinks he knows everything about Zelda is beyond me :shocked:
You'd have people believe you see him as a rival of somesort, the way your post gives the impression of you getting so worked up over what you believe he thinks :wtf: