This is a big question about the next Zeda game!!

Link_Soul is right, link needs a voice. This is not the regular 2d Zeldas. These are the 3d Zelda's we are talking about. Since they are in 3d, it mocks our world and in our world we talk, jump, run, and do all sort of things. but link need some catch phrases or something. Even if they allow link to talk in a secret langauage and have the english subtitle would be cool (likes how the passion of the christ movie was). I think the one reason nobody has a voice is because gorons talk one way, the zorbias walk one way. But still everyone should know at least the main language of hyrule.........
This would add a good feature. Picture fighting a double boss that speaks the gorons language, but you dont know it, with know subtitle either. So in the fight, the boss could say something to the other boss that you dont understand. So depending on what they say to each other, thats what move they are goin to do, or who will go behind you or in front. This would make the game hard like how some said earlier that the bosses needs to be more challenging. Then link would probably need to find a book in the library, so that he can understand the language from what ever village or tribe. But he can't carry all the books at one time. You need scertain books to read certain text to learn about the legend of that town or what ever. I really wish I could make my own game someday.
but if he have a voice, everybody would have to name link as link or they should have several names to choice from, at least 100 names.

Wii_Soul and others tell me what you think
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link needs a voice along with other things like link soul said friends and family perferilby some sick and domented ones because links life in the game are just too fairy tale-like they need to give him that "crazy uncle" type family member and he needs to make some mistakes and get some people mad his life is just too perfect
I'm in favour of Link having a voice (to think that the voice actor currently used for Link knows what he'll sound like if he says something.) Yeah, we should get a sample of what his voice could sound like but then everyone would have to vote somewhere... (That vote will probably never come to Europe =P)
Another thing is, voice acting is usually done poorly. Everyone's seen the way voices don't match up, and Link will have to have so much work done on his... Mouth... For the right shapes and... Stuff... (Odd sentence.) Finally, if he was able to speak then it would take waaay longer for the game to come ot and we all know how everyone bitched about Twilight Princess being delayed.
I think hotpotato78 came up with a great idea! The people of Hyrule should probably just use some kind ancient language and just put subtitles down.....actually I wouldnt be surprised if Nintendo does that for the next Zelda!
Joe said:
I think hotpotato78 came up with a great idea! The people of Hyrule should probably just use some kind ancient language and just put subtitles down.....actually I wouldnt be surprised if Nintendo does that for the next Zelda!

I'm glad to see someone agrees with me. That language idea would make zelda so complicated and fun. unless you get the zorbians book you can't understand what they verbally say, it will sound like the way their tribe talks and not in an english format, but when you get the book you will hear the english version of what they was saying.
Frogger said:
I'm in favour of Link having a voice (to think that the voice actor currently used for Link knows what he'll sound like if he says something.) Yeah, we should get a sample of what his voice could sound like but then everyone would have to vote somewhere... (That vote will probably never come to Europe =P)
Another thing is, voice acting is usually done poorly. Everyone's seen the way voices don't match up, and Link will have to have so much work done on his... Mouth... For the right shapes and... Stuff... (Odd sentence.) Finally, if he was able to speak then it would take waaay longer for the game to come ot and we all know how everyone bitched about Twilight Princess being delayed.

Right now we don't care if the mouth looks like it says what and he says zelda. It's a game so its going to have errors. Right here in real life people have errors when talking. But once its average for me, i'll take it. Plus they aren't coming out with the new one till like 2009 or 2008. But hey it was a good thing they delayed it though. me for one was bug because every quater of the year it coming out the next quater. that was annoying. But hey I have a feeling this new zelda is going to be very good.

kiraownsurmom said:
dont they?i mean the writing an text is "hyrulian" or somthin like that its like plus an minus signs lol im serious its stuff like that

Yea they do. Everybody on zelda have there own lil language, but i think everyone can understand the hyrulian language. Thats why i came up with the book idea. I don't think you should be able to understand every tribe if their languages are different.. You can't go japan and understand their language right away at least for me because i speak english and a little bit of spanish and thats a very little bit lol
yeah it was...voice acting for Link would ruin the game completely, and about the other characters; well I don't know if anyone noticed, but Midna talked in babble talk and I thought instantly that that was a start of voice acting in Zelda games..kind of a test the waters" situation for future Zelda games..but not for Link because it would seriously ruin the game and the player wouldn't be able to identify himself with he needs to stay silent with his yelling and grunting sounds... as for the had a lot of twists and inclusion of new original characters..and surprisingly, Zelda wasn't given too many attention in this game, so it is a, remember what Miyamoto said: "Twilight Princess will be the last Zelda game of its kind" which means it will be the last to be similar to Ocarina of Time, Majora's Mask, and Wind think about those factors first...
I dont see how voice capablities will ruin it if its just like hearing the subtitles....Things have to upgrade mann. Everything can't be the same over and over again. They can still have the voices and subtitles at the same time. All you got to do is, if you don't want hear him, turn the volume off and read. Like link is a mute person the only thing you can hear is noise and that piss me off with soul calibur 2. And i didnt see a prob with the voice acting there, for except like needs to say sentences and not moans and stomach groans. For instance megaman 64 had voice chating. You would always know when you did something right or you are in an important place, the person would talk. I didnt hear anybody complain about that. Not all the time things need to be traditional.
kiraownsurmom said:
yea but doesnt da new megaman games (3d) have voices

well the last 3d one i know about was megaman 64 and that had voices, thats what i'm trying to say. So i dont see why link can't have one. I rather hear somebody say they are going to take over hyrule than read about it.
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