Things to do when a forum is completely dead...

You're right, the 'White Noise' section doesn't add to post count.
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  • #32
If your an idiot, you could stare at this... When a forums dead. Of coarse...


"How to keep an Idiot busy"
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  • #38
I love the sarcasm from this thread. Might as well name it " Things a sarcastic person would do when a threads dead"

-Try and think of more things to do
-hope someone replies
-wonder where redneck E and dungmaster went
-participate in those confusing forum games
-rate my signature(i know its pretty amatuer-ish)
-reformat your pc cuz you thought wiichat was giving you trojans and malware
-dont come in here for 2.5 months
-reply to every thing you've missed (especially the coundown from 1 million)
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  • #41
Its not dead yet...
-You could have a french kid come chill with you for 2 weeks, even though you dont speak french.
-get a job
-eat nachos
-grow a bear/mustache combo and change your name to Dave Garcia
- See how many times you can play street fighter with full turbo before it comes back to life (12 times with ryu)
-eat nachos
- build a giant robot
-fight ninjas
-eat nachos
-watch tv
- eat nachos
-cure cancer
-play viewtiful joe (thought I was gonna write eat nachos?)
-kill a whale
-write a new york times best seller
-eat nachos
Roll around in radioactive waste.
Oh, and eat nachos.





Pretend your a superhero, afterwards.




If your alive that is.

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