Things to do when a forum is completely dead...

-Go outside.
-Actually work on school projects.
-Hang out with REAL friends.

-Read a tomato
I've tried that, but the words are so hard to see.
collect coins
listen to eminems new song for old times sake
beg for a eminem sig
try to cope with that fact that i am addicted to eminem
Find the perfect place to stash a body.
Hell I'll vomit from hearing his name.

BEEK-AH BEEK-AH, Slim Shady!

Blruuuuuhhhh!!! :sick:
-stab eminem haters
-find the perfect way to get that dead body
-post on a 20day old thread
-make new members and respond to yourself
-stab eminem haters
-holy SH&^&T ima rip relapse by eminem my cousiin has it!!!!!!!!!!!!
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  • #29
lol wiinus, whats with making new acounts and talking to yourself?

And my post count has been at 464 for 10 posts...
lol wiinus, whats with making new acounts and talking to yourself?

And my post count has been at 464 for 10 posts...

that happened to me be4, im not 100% but i think its because if u post in these sections of the forum it doesnt count towards your total post count. I could be wrong tho and the severs just lagging a bit.

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