There will be no PS4

ninnie x said:
I do think Sony has come to an end. The only thing bothering me is this:

Is this fake?
:lol: yes it is, it was to introduce the Playstation 1 or the Playstation 2, can't remember which, it was on an advert which you could probably find on YouTube, was advertising that that would be the console of the future, there was a slogan for it saying something like that, can't remember what though :p find the ad! :)
ejmonkey3 said:
White-Wolf said:
sony will fail if blue ray does.

I think its the opposite. I definately can't see myself buying a blu ray player anytime soon. I think Blu-Ray is kinda depending on PS3 for sales. Barely anyone had heard of Blu-Ray before PS3.
think about it the ps3 isnt really over priced, a blue ray player alone runs for about $900, so think about the money sony's losing. and "once" they cut the price, it may very the console war....
Cap'n Crunch said:
think about it the ps3 isnt really over priced, a blue ray player alone runs for about $900, so think about the money sony's losing. and "once" they cut the price, it may very the console war....

If Sony drops the price, Sony drops with it >.>
humm i think that sony cant win both wars, hddvd or console war, cuz if bluray goes down ps3 goes with it and if ps3 goes down bluray wont be as good anymore and losing money on stuff like games. in the long run im sure sony will pull out cuz they sell more then just consoles and stuff but the ps3 is to powerfull and expensive for the average gamer who just wants a cheap awsumly fun console....humm sounds like something familiar :)
Haz said:
Yes the Playstation 3 is expensive, and it may put some people of it, but at the end of the day, they are still selling the units and still selling out.

They didn't have that many units to sell out of
Well...I wouldn`t be shocked if they stopped making Playstations...I think they will end up like Sega.
They make some REALLY bad choices and rip off ideas over and over.

Get off the Playstation bandwagon people!
I really see what Sony did with the PS3 as a bad descision. I also know that when the console saturates the market sometime next year, things will change. You really can't judge a console by its initial launch. There always going to sell out. What we really need to see is what happens once the average consumer can get there hands on each system. That will be the test. Ex: the PSP vs. DS. We know who one that one because they have had time to sink into the market.
Homesrfan said:
ejmonkey3 said:
I think its the opposite. I definitely can't see myself buying a blu ray player anytime soon. I think Blu-Ray is kinda depending on PS3 for sales. Barely anyone had heard of Blu-Ray before PS3.

sony made blue ray. They developed it from scratch. (thus if blue ray fails sony goes under) Its their format. Thus if blue ray fails the ps3 fails. Its a torjan horse. Sony donsent give a **** about the ps3 without blue ray. blue ray will pull them out of debt. Blue ray does need the ps3 but if blue ray fails, it will pull the ps3 with it.


Sony needs to sell 30 games to break even on every ps3 they sell. without blue ray royalties, they are as good as sunk. This is why ps3 needs blue ray. the more sony sells the ps3, the more they are digging a grave. I dont think people get it. Sony could sell a billion ps3s and they will only go under more. Blue ray is the life blood of sony.


Sony is avoiding taxs. This means they are almost bankrupt. you only avoid taxs if you cant pay and if you cant pay your broke. Thus without sony support the ps3 is dead. Without blue ray sony is dead.
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