when is ps4 coming?


Wasn't there an old commercial at one time that showed a guy with some kind of headset that was playing games that were practically virtual reality? A PS9? And something about it beginning with the PS2? Maybe it's just me but I could swear that I remember this. I can't imagine seeing them get to a PS5 at all. Wii brought me my virtual reality and it didn't take no 7 generations. Thank you nintendo. I'm glad I stuck with you all these years. You owe me for the GC flop with 3rd party support. I have a crap load of GC games, but it never matched PS2. I hope the Wii will truly turn this around. :ihih:
wiifan1975 said:
Wii brought me my virtual reality and it didn't take no 7 generations.

Please dont tell me you just said the wii is anything like virtual reality :lol: Were you being serious?
Icetrash said:
Laggy remote? Its called getting new batteries.

Hey, I'd be upset too if I wasted $600 on a machine that is pretty much doomed. :mad5:
IF the ps4 ever comes, it will be like 6+ years probly.

Wii&Ps3 said:
more like next year when everyone gets sick of kids games and a laggy remote.

You really have to stop making stupid responses and looking like a idiot to almost every person on this forum. Just because your some Anti-Wii person doesnt mean you need to stick your face in your ass.

And yea, Godfather: Blackhand in Preschool for the win. Idiot. :nono:
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As much as I love the Wii, I still wanted to see the PS3 become a hit (as well as the Xbox 360 - which obviously is so far).

If it wasn't for the PS2 and Xbox doing so well in the past (and blowing away the Gamecube in most areas), I'm not sure Nintendo would have done as well with the Wii. Competition forces innovation or kicks losers out of the market. The more the competition progresses, the more Nintendo has to progress too.

The last thing I would want to see is Sony and Microsoft to fold because Nintendo would not have as much incentive to keep doing bigger and better things with their stuff.
Sony hinted two possibilities. Kaz Hirai hinted 5 years. Howard Stringer hinted 10 years. So I'd say 7 years would be close to exact.
NEVER! The faliure of the PS3 will hit sony hard and well from there theyre going to stop making games..
Joe said:
NEVER! The faliure of the PS3 will hit sony hard and well from there theyre going to stop making games..
Yeah I hope that happens; for it being to proud of itself
Half Empty said:
lol, pwnd :p
Lol nice signature! but instead of saying PC for the PS3 it should have said TV since they specialize in Tv's

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