Rumors about the PS4?

5 years+ 360 owner.
If your going threw so meany consoles its your fault, you are doing something wrong for it to break down
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^ Well, if it's a newer model (an Elite or newer), RRODs can be aggravated and caused to appear sooner than normal through poor care (i.e. collecting dust, incredibly long gaming sessions, etc.). Not that I'm defending the bloody 360. RRODs shouldn't exist at all.

I especially wouldn't defend Microsod since my 360 had half the life of my Wii, and I took good care of 'em both (even moreso the 360 since I was always worried for a RROD). =/ ... Well, aside from my Wii's multiple impacts to the floor thanks to a certain idiot catching their foot on the Gamecube controller's wire.
I went through five ps2s over dust/console falling on the ground/long game periods. I heavily played my ps2 when KH1 came out..followed by KH2.
I also played the **** out of Medal of Honor online!! xD Oh wow those good ol' days playing rising sun ;DD I also can't forget about Monster Hunter 1/G.

Thurr was tons of other games I played much but it's to long of a list to type.
I also had 1 FAT && 4 SLIM ps2s.

EDIT: ps1 was all about Street Fighter Alpha 3 xDDDD!
Ohhhh and I also forgot to say..I PLAYED RESIDENT EVIL OUTBREAK 1&&2 online FOREVARR!
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I wonder what the model will look like. I'm sure it will be black and most likely thin. Want to see that and hope that it can play older games.

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